Sep 14, 2024  
2008-2009 Academic Catalog 
2008-2009 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Student Life

Click on any of the following links for information:



Toby Osburn, Dean

The Office of Student Services at McNeese State University is a part of the Division of Administration and Student Affairs. The Office of Student Services works to create a positive student life environment that complements teaching and learning.

McNeese State University Office of Student Services is a state designated agency for the state of Louisiana, Office of Voter Registration. Students are given an opportunity to register to vote during their orientation class. Additional opportunities and information about voter registration are available from the Office of Student Services.

Student Housing

Applications for residence hall living should be made with the Office of Student Housing and Residence Life located at the corner of Beauregard Drive and Jeff Davis Drive. The advantages of living on campus include economic feasibility, security, close proximity to University facilities and dining services, and opportunities for participation in campus events and activities, recreational sports, and student organizations. Residence halls are managed by the Ambling Corporation, a private property management firm with whom residents are required to enter into formal, binding lease agreements (ten month and twelve month options). Alcohol, illegal drugs, weapons and pets are prohibited at all times in all University housing facilities. Students residing in residence halls, suites, and garden apartments are required to purchase a meal plan each academic term in which they reside on campus (fall, spring, summer).

Married/Family Housing

Applications for married/family housing should be made with the Office of Student Services in the Holbrook Student Center. Located near Cowboy Stadium, Pinehaven Apartments offers one bedroom, one bath units that include electricity, water, and basic phone service in the monthly rental charge. Married students and students with dependent children are eligible to apply for married/family housing, and occupancy is based on a month to month agreement. Alcohol, illegal drugs, weapons and pets are prohibited at all times in all University housing facilities. Students residing in married/family housing may purchase meal plans but are not required to do so.

Bus Service

The city buses of Lake Charles provide excellent service to and from the University by maintaining a schedule of regular buses every hour during the day. Buses stop on Ryan Street.

Health Services

McNeese State University operates the Dr. Thomas Henry Watkins Infirmary for its students. Nurses are on duty daily and local doctors maintain regular office hours on the premises during most weekday mornings when classes are in session and at other times, as needed. Students are eligible to receive acute care services for occasional, routine health problems at little or no cost. Students in need of extended care for chronic or serious health problems are referred to local providers (private physicians and public health services) and are personally responsible for payment arrangements with those providers. Staff and faculty are eligible to receive emergency-only treatment.

Student Conduct

Registration at the University is understood to mean that the registrant understands and agrees to abide by and observe the rules and regulations of the University. Regulations pertaining to student conduct are under the administration of the Office of Student Services. Student disciplinary matters are frequently handled by the Dean of Student Services who is authorized by the University to enforce the Code of Student Conduct. Serious disciplinary matters may be referred to the Student Discipline Committee for hearing and sanctions.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in ways that strengthen and enhance quality of life at the University. Respect for the rights, welfare, and safety of others is paramount for maintaining civility and promoting academic excellence on the campus and within the local community. Students whose misconduct compromises the quality and integrity of life within the University community may be sanctioned according to the procedures outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct is published by the Office of Student Services and is made available to students through new student orientation activities and other appropriate University communication channels each year. Interested persons may obtain a copy of the Code of Conduct and other important University policies by contacting the Office of Student Services.

Pets on University Property

Pets are prohibited on University property at all times. Service animals for persons with verifiable disabilities are permissible. Contact the Dean of Student Services for questions about pets on campus.

University Drug and Alcohol Policy

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Public Law 101-226, require that, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program, an institution of higher education must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees.

McNeese has a genuine concern and interest in providing a drug-free environment for its students, visitors and employees. Alcohol and drug abuse can inhibit the goals of the University. It can cause impairment of the education and learning process; affect productivity and quality of work; cause financial hardship, family problems and socially deviant behavior. Serious health problems such as psychological and physiological dependency, depression and psychotic behavior can also be directly related to alcohol and drug use.

The 1990 Legislature passed a bill which designates all state universities as drug-free school zones. This bill increases the criminal and civil penalties to deter the distribution, manufacture, sales and/or trafficking of illegal substances on or within a geographic perimeter around the University property. The drug-free zone includes all McNeese property; main campus, athletic complex, Burton Coliseum, farm and intramural fields.

McNeese prohibits unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession and use of any narcotics, barbiturates, amphetamines, marijuana or any other controlled substance as defined in Schedule l through V of Section 202 of the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 812), and as further defined by regulation at 21 CFR 1308.11 through 1308.15.

The University prohibits the unlawful use or sale of any alcoholic beverages and the possession or consumption in any form on the University campus except in those areas where the President or his designee has authorized the serving or sale of legal beverages in accordance with the provisions of the state and local law and ordinances and prescribed University regulations.

Student Government

The Student Government Association is the student body’s official representative to the faculty, administration, and the community. Student government is staffed by students and attempts to aid the student body through several specific programs. The SGA answers student questions, recommends appointees to represent student interests on the University Discipline Committee, and advocates for the general welfare of the student body. The Senate is the legislative body of the SGA and is made up of class representatives and students from organizations on the campus. A recently rewritten constitution has provided for a three-branch system of government for the SGA in order to make the organization more effective and productive.

The SGA is responsible for naming students for university appointment to standing committees, with

voting privileges, which allows participation in institutional decision-making.

The SGA invites students to become involved with and maintain interest in campus activities. Weekly meetings of the Student Government Association Senate are held each Wednesday at 4 p.m. and are open to the public. The Dean of Student Services is the appointed advisor for SGA.

Student Union Board

The Student Union Board contributes to the social, spiritual, recreational, cultural, and educational development of the students, faculty, and alumni through programs and services. As a separate entity from all other groups and organizations, the Student Union Board strives to serve as a unifying force in the life of the University by cultivating enduring regard for and loyalty to the University.

The SUB consists of all McNeese students, with elected and appointed officers. Any student who has paid the full activity fee and is in good standing with the University may file an application for membership. The Dean of Student Services, or the Dean’s designee, is the designated advisor for the Student Union Board.

Religious Centers and Organizations

Near the McNeese campus are modern religious centers and organizations which may be enjoyed by all students. These include Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Campus Outreach, Catholic Student Center, Episcopal Canterbury Ministry, Pentecostal Student Center, Wesley Foundation, Jesus Name Student Fellowship, Latter-Day Saint Student Association, Living Way Student Fellowship, MSU Bible Study, and the Newman Club.

Student Publications

Student publications include The Log (University annual); The Contraband (University newspaper); and Arena (University literary magazine).

Departmental Clubs and Organizations
American Society of Chemical Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Associated Professional Educators of Louisiana (APEL) Association of Computing Machinery Best Buddies
Biology and Environmental Science Club Block and Bridle Club Blue Key
Chamber Singers Chi Alpha Campus Ministries Circle K
Fraternal Order of American Musicians Future Farmers of America (FFA) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Fellowship of Communication’s Uprising Students (FOCUS) Future Business Professionals Gay Alliance for Tolerance and Equality (GATE)
Higher Level Gospel Choir Honors College/Council Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Interfraternity Music Company Interfraternity Perform. Arts Council International Student Association
MSU Animation Society MSU Band MSU Canoe and Kayak Club
MSU Chapter of NAACP MSU Cheerleaders MSU Chemistry Society
MSU College Democrats MSU College Republicans MSU Collegiate Honors Council
MSU Cowgirl Kickers MSU Debate Council MSU Engineering Society
MSU Greek Unity Council MSU Hip Hop Dance Team MSU Martial Arts Society
MSU Math Association of America MSU Medical Technician Society MSU Minority Women’s Caucus
MSU Philosophy Club MSU Radiologic Technology MSU Society of Black Engineers
MSU Society of Forensic Sciences MSU Student Alumni Association MSU Student Art Association
MSU Student Dietetic Association MSU Student Nursing Association (MSNA) MSU Wildlife Club
Newman Club Pi Kappa Delta Pre-Law & Politics Society
Pre-Medical & Pre-Dental Society Pre-Veterinary Society Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
Rotaract Sigma Alpha Iota Society of Physics Student
Student Advertising Federation Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC) Student Government Association (SGA)
Student Louisiana Association of Educators (SLAE) Student Photographic Society Student Union Board (SUB)
Students for Life Students Performing with Untiring Rowdy Spirit (SPURS) Teachers Are Readers
Voices for Planned Parenthood (VOX) Wesley Foundation Women’s Student Association


Army ROTC is a voluntary military training program open to enrolled male and female students, who are U.S. citizens. The program is offered through a cross enrollment program with the Louisiana State University Army ROTC battalion and McNeese State University. Some classes will be taught on the McNeese campus, while others will be taught off campus. The program is divided into two parts: the Basic Course and the Advanced Course.

The Basic Course is normally taken in the freshman and sophomore years of college and consists of Military Science 101, 102, 201, and 202. Students receive academic credit for the Basic Course and may use the credits as electives. Class time during the Basic Course consists of one to two hours per week plus an associated lab. During the Basic Course, students are given the opportunity to consider the Advanced Course program, while actively participating in ROTC with no military obligation.

The Advanced Course is comprised of four courses, Military Science 301, 302, 401, and 402, and the Leader Development Assessment Course (LDAC). The Advanced Course is designed to teach all knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for commissioning as a new Second Lieutenant, and to establish a sound foundation for a career as a commissioned Army officer. The content and methods of the Advanced Course comprise the minimum curriculum that an individual must complete in order to be commissioned.

The Army ROTC program offers numerous enrollment and scholarship options for students. The Simultaneous Membership Program is also available where students enlist in the Army National Guard and contract with ROTC. Contact LSU’s Department of Military Science at (225) 578-3566 for more information or on campus at 337-562-4216.

Army ROTC students who receive an Army ROTC scholarship or enter the Army ROTC Advanced Course must agree to complete a period of service with the Army:

  • Cadets can serve full-time in the Army for three years (four years for scholarship winners).
  • Selected Cadets may choose to serve part-time in the U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard while pursuing a civilian career.

Enrolling in the Army ROTC Basic Course does NOT involve a commitment of service to the Army unless students have received an Army ROTC scholarship.

McNeese Ring Ceremony

In one of the newest traditions of campus life, the McNeese official signature ring is formally presented by the University President to eligible students and graduates. Eligibility for purchasing a ring is based on completion of a minimum number of semester credit hours. Prior graduates of the University are eligible to redeem previously purchased rings for credit toward the purchase of the signature ring. Contact the Director of the University Bookstore for more information.

Honors Day

Honors Day is a campus-wide event involving students and faculty associated with academic honor societies. New inductees are recognized for their academic achievements by faculty advisors, academic deans, and University administrators. Recognition ceremonies occur each December and April and all members of the University community are invited to attend. Contact the Dean of Student Services for more information.

Social Fraternities   Social Sororities
Alpha Phi Alpha   Alpha Delta Pi
Kappa Alpha Order   Alpha Kappa Alpha
Kappa Alpha Psi   Chi Omega
Kappa Sigma   Phi Mu
Omega Psi Phi   Zeta Phi Beta
Theta Chi    


Honor Fraternities, Societies and Organizations Eligible Honorees
Alpha Lambda Delta freshmen students
Alpha Psi Omega honorary theatre students
Beta Alpha Psi students of excellence in business information
Beta Gamma Sigma honorary business students
Blue Key International students of all-around achievement
Delta Tau Alpha honorary agriculture students
Delta Sigma Pi leaders in business curriculum
Epsilon Alpha Epsilon honorary female students
Kappa Kappa Psi honorary band members
Lambda Alpha Epsilon honorary criminal justice students
Lambda Pi Eta honorary communications students
Mu Phi Epsilon honorary history students
Phi Alpha Theta honorary history students
Pi Kappa Delta honorary forensics students
Phi Kappa Phi students of scholastic achievement
Pi Sigma Alpha students of government
Psi Chi Honor Society honorary psychology students
Sigma Alpha Iota honorary female music students
Sigma Theta Tau honorary nursing students
Tau Beta Sigma university band members

Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate program accredited by AACSB International. The mission of Beta Gamma Sigma is to encourage and honor academic achievement in the study of business and to foster personal and professional excellence among its members. To be eligible for membership, potential members must be in the upper 7 percent of the junior class; upper 10 percent of the senior class; or upper 20 percent of the graduating master’s class; or completed all doctoral requirements.

Phi Kappa Phi, a national scholastic honor society founded in 1897, is one of the most prestigious scholastic honor societies in the United States. The McNeese chapter was founded in 1971 as chapter number 131.

The primary objectives of Phi Kappa Phi are to promote the pursuit of excellence in higher education and to recognize outstanding achievement by students and faculty through election to membership and through various awards and fellowships. Phi Kappa Phi recognizes superior scholarship in all academic fields. Eligible undergraduate students are invited to join in their last semester prior to graduation. Members wear identifying ribbons on their academic gowns at commencement exercises.

McNeese members of Pi Sigma Alpha support the objects of the society, as stated in its constitution, “to stimulate productive scholarship and intelligent interest in the subject of government.” Government faculty members, as well as upper-level and graduate students who meet Pi Sigma Alpha membership requirements, are encouraged to apply. The Chi Psi Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha was chartered in 2000.

The Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, founded in 1922, is the second largest nursing organization in the U.S. and one of the largest in the world. Its mission is to improve the health of people worldwide through increasing a scientific base of nursing practice. The McNeese Kappa Psi chapter was founded in 1988.

Sigma Theta Tau International seeks to reward all students in baccalaureate or higher degree nursing programs who have demonstrated ability in nursing as evidenced by superior academic achievement, development of leadership qualities, high professional standards, and creative work. In order to be eligible for membership in the Kappa Psi chapter, undergraduate nursing students must have completed 33 nursing semester hours and achieved at least a 3.0 GPA. Also, those who rank in the upper 35 percent of their graduating class and meet the expectation of academic integrity may qualify for membership.



James W. Pitre, Director

An intramural sports program for men and women provides outlets for physical and recreational talents of the student body. Intramural contests are held in flag football, basketball, softball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, free throw, table tennis, swimming, golf, horseshoes, pool, racquetball, and water polo. Awards and recognition are given to student winners. Students enter competition representing fraternities, sororities, dorms, school clubs, organizations, religious student centers, and independents.

McNeese University is not responsible for any injury which a student receives in any intramural activity. Students engage in these activities at their own risk.

The Intramural Office is located in the Recreation Complex with office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

Recreational facilities include: 50-meter swimming pool, steam/sauna room, shower/ locker rooms, four racquetball courts, three full-length basketball courts, 8,000 square foot weight room, 200-meter indoor track (four lane), equipment rental options, 12-acre intramural playing fields, and outdoor tennis courts.

Hours of operation are 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and noon-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. A validated McNeese ID is required for admission.



Cinnamon Salvador, Director

The University Police Department provides police services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to all McNeese students, faculty, staff, and visitors. University police officers are sworn and commissioned police officers with the full range of police powers.

The department has seventeen full-time officers, seven support personnel, and 100 supplemental officers. The University Police Officers are trained in accordance with the Louisiana Peace Officer Standards and Training Council (P.O.S.T) requirements and are commissioned by the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety in accordance with La. R.S. 17:1805. et seq.

Police officers are responsible for the following public safety services: crime reports, investigations, traffic accidents, parking violations, parking assistance, safety escort, police protection, enforcement of laws regulating consumption of alcoholic beverages, the use of controlled substances, weapons and all other incidents requiring police assistance.

The University Police Department complies with the Campus Security Act. All crime statistical information is published and made available to students, faculty, staff, and parents by various means. This information can be obtained upon request from the University Police Office at 337-475-5711 or at the Web site:

The department shares information on arrests and serious crimes with the Lake Charles City Police Department, the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Department, the District Attorney’s office, the State Police, and other law enforcement agencies. The Office of University Police is able to conduct computer checks of warrants for wanted persons through the Louisiana Department of Public Safety. The terminal provides access to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) which accesses the computer files of all criminal justice systems under its jurisdiction.

Potential criminal activity and other emergencies on the McNeese campus can be reported directly to the University Police. The on-campus emergency number is 111 and can be accessed from any campus phone, except campus pay phones. For off-campus emergencies or when calling from a pay phone, the emergency number is 911. Officers are dispatched for initial investigations after receiving calls.

Seventeen emergency call boxes are installed throughout the McNeese campus. The boxes are designed with a single push button that activates an emergency blue light/strobe and makes immediate voice connection to McNeese police. The call boxes are set up for emergency means only and all routine calls should be directed to McNeese Police at 337-475-5711. A map of the emergency call box locations can be found online at

The administrative office responsible for security and campus police services is the Vice President for Administration and Student Affairs.

McNeese Student Identification Card

All McNeese students are required to have a nontransferable McNeese State University Identification Card. This card is the property of McNeese, and University rules and regulations govern its use. Students are required to present the student identification card or identify oneself upon request by university officials. Failure to do so constitutes a violation of the McNeese State University Code of Student Conduct and may result in disciplinary action. The identification card serves as the student’s library card and admission to other University facilities and functions.

New students without cards should report to the University Police Office with their paid registration receipt during university business hours. There is no charge for the initial card; however, there is a charge for replacement cards.

Vehicle Registration

The McNeese Parking Regulations, listing complete university traffic and parking regulations, is available from the University Police Web site:

Students, faculty, and staff members are allowed to register a vehicle (maximum of two per individual) to park on campus. Each vehicle must have a separate parking permit number (hang-tag). State vehicle registration paper(s) and MSU paid registration receipt must be presented at the time of registration at the University Police Office.

The registration fee per vehicle for faculty and staff is $40 for the year. The registration fee per vehicle for students is $18 for the fall semester, $17 for the spring semester and $15 for the summer session. Hang-tags are to be kept and presented each semester for renewal and must be surrendered to University Police when graduating or leaving the University.

A $35 fee is charged to replace a hang-tag that is lost, stolen, or disposed of. Registration of a vehicle does not guarantee a place to park; it allows parking if space is available. These rules and fees also apply to evening students.



Kathy E. Bond, Director

The McNeese Career Services Center offers lifetime career assistance to the students and alumni of McNeese. The center is the campus focal point for students, alumni, and potential employers. It is committed to serving students and employers and assisting both to meet their employment needs. Students are encouraged to register on eCampus Recruiter, which can be done via the Web site:, to have the opportunity to apply and interview for job opportunities.

Career testing is also available to McNeese students by appointment for a fee of $35. The Career Management Battery consists of three assessment tools including aptitude, interest, and personality. This test administration and interpretation are designed to provide information to assist students and explore all relevant occupations. Some of the online programs available to aid in career development and planning are VAULT, an educational tool utilizing an online career library; a computerized career guidance and planning system called SIGI PLUS, “Type Focus Careers”, an interactive online program that assists students in developing career plans using personality type strengths; and “What Can I Do with This Major?”, a resource that helps students connect majors with careers as well as outlining common career areas, find typical employers and strategies designed to maximize career opportunities. The center offers a variety of other career guidance resources and job search related services and skills in resume writing and interviewing.

Career fairs are held biannually on campus through the center, which offers an opportunity for students and alumni to make contact with potential employers in the public and private sector. Teacher job fairs are also scheduled biannually for education majors and alumni.

The use of electronic applications for students and employers, eCampus Recruiter, enables the Career Services Center to be of greater assistance in the registration and employment process for students, alumni, and employers. It is not responsible for assuring employment; however, it provides advice and serves as a liaison between the student and the employer. The student is ultimately responsible for career decisions and employment. The Center is located in Holbrook Student Union Building across from the bookstore.



Taina J. Savoit, Director

The Office of Financial Aid is under the supervision of the Director of Financial Aid. The operations of the department include the administration of state and federal student aid programs (i.e. grants, loans, jobs). Scholarships are administered by the Scholarships and Testing Office. (See scholarship section of this catalog.)

One of the primary functions of the office is to administer programs which provide financial assistance to students of McNeese State University. A wide variety of programs are available from federal, state, and local funds under the general headings of loans, grants, and work opportunities. The type and amount of aid available to a student usually depends on need and academic achievement, although other factors may be considered.

Through a packaging concept, it is often possible to provide a student who has a high need factor with sufficient funding to cover the majority of college expenses. The University considers all applicants without regard to gender, race, or creed. Complete applications must be filed in the Office of Financial Aid before May 1 to be considered for the following fall and spring semesters and the summer sessions.

Steps in Applying for Financial Assistance

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form may be obtained from the high school counselor or from the Office of Financial Aid at the McNeese campus. This form should be completed and mailed in February of each year to meet the application priority date of May 1. To apply for the 2008-2009 academic year, the student will need his/her 2007 tax return. Dependent students will need their parent’s 2007 tax return and income information.
  2. Complete an MSU Data Form and send it to the Office of Financial Aid at McNeese State University. This form may be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid at McNeese or on the Web site: and must be completed each year.
  3. Submit the Student Aid Report to the Office of Financial Aid at McNeese immediately. The result of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is the Student Aid Report, will be mailed directly to the student from the Central Processor. Students should read all the special instructions and comments listed.
  4. Promptly provide all additional documentation requested by the Office of Financial Aid. Applications will not be completed until all necessary forms are received in the Office of Financial Aid. Students should allow approximately eight weeks to complete the financial aid application request process.
  5. Must be in a degree seeking program and taking courses for credit hours to be considered for financial assistance.
  6. Must be enrolled at least half-time or more during each semester to be considered for all federal financial aid programs. Students enrolled for less than half-time enrollment status will be considered for the Federal Pell Grant Program only.

Entering Freshmen must also:

  1. Have earned a high school diploma or GED to be eligible for financial assistance.
  2. Apply to the Office of the Registrar for admission to the University.
  3. Take the ACT and have official results sent to McNeese.

College Graduate Students must also:

  1. Be enrolled at least half-time or more in graduate level courses each semester to be considered for graduate level federal student loan awards at the time of disbursement. Half-time is defined as six hours for Fall and/or Spring semesters and three hours for Summer semester.


Approximate Cost of Attendance
Tuition $1,800 per semester
Books $600 per semester
Room / Board $3,000 per semester
Out-of-State Tuition, if applicable $3,033 per semester
Total $8,433 per semester


Financial Aid Application Priority Dates: May 1, 2008 for Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009.



To be eligible for financial assistance, a student must meet minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards (SAP) as listed below each semester - fall, spring and summer. Satisfactory Academic Progress is defined as passing a required number of hours and achieving a required cumulative grade point average during each semester while pursuing a degree program.

Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Freshmen

Total Hours attempted each semester Total Hours to complete each semester Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)*
5 or less Must earn all pursued 2.0
6-8 3 2.0
9-11 6 2.0
12 or more 9 2.0

*Cumulative GPA: Total Quality Points divided by Total Quality Hours.

Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors

Total Hours attempted each semester Total Hours to complete each semester Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)*
5 or less Must earn all pursued 2.0
6-8 6 2.0
9-11 9 2.0
12 or more 12 2.0

*Cumulative GPA: Total Quality Points divided by Total Quality Hours.

Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Graduates

Total Hours attempted each semester Total Hours to complete each semester Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)*
5 or less Must earn all pursued 2.0
6-8 6 2.0
9 or more 9 2.0

*Cumulative GPA: Total Quality Points divided by Total Quality Hours.

The above policy applies to all transfer, continuing, and re-entry students for all academic semesters or sessions, including students who have not previously participated in federal aid programs.

  • Remedial or Developmental courses. Completion of these courses is considered in the total hour requirement for receiving financial aid.
  • “I,” “IN,” “WN” or “NR” Grades. Count as hours pursued, but do not count as hours earned until the course is satisfactorily completed according to the provisions in the University catalog. These grades do not affect grade point average.
  • Transfer students. Transfer students are required to be in good academic standing at the school from which they are transferring and meet the McNeese Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards during their last period of enrollment. All previous hours pursued are considered in establishing total remaining eligibility.
  • Repeated courses. Students who are repeating classes which they have previously completed with an “S” or a grade of “C” or above may be declared ineligible for federal student aid and may be subject to repayment of funds received. This decision is at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid at McNeese.
  • Academic bankruptcy. For financial aid purposes, hours dismissed through academic bankruptcy will count towards hours attempted/pursued but not towards grade point average except in the case of a transfer student where hours will count towards both hours attempted/pursued and grade point average.

Any student not meeting these requirements have not met the minimum satisfactory academic progress standards and will be placed on probation. (See Appeal Procedures).

  • Probation. Students will be placed on probation after their first semester of not maintaining SAP. Students on SAP Probation are eligible for financial aid. No appeal is necessary. After their second consecutive semester of not maintaining SAP, their financial aid will be terminated. Not attending one or more semesters will not affect or change your SAP status.

Attempted Hour Limitations

Federal regulations require academic progress to be measured quantitatively as well as qualitatively, and the quantitative measures may not exceed 150 percent of the time normally required for degree completion. Hours attempted/pursued include all hours (courses) enrolled as of the close of late registration and in which a grade was awarded (including “W” withdrawals).

Associate Degree (Two-Year Degree) 100 hours attempted / pursued
*Bachelor Degree (Four-Year Degree) 187 hours attempted / pursued
Master’s Degree 50 hours attempted / pursued
Teacher Certification 60 hours attempted / pursued
Education Specialist 50 hours attempted / pursued
2nd Associate Degree 146 hours attempted / pursued
2nd Bachelor Degree 278 hours attempted / pursued
2nd Master’s Degree 80 hours attempted / pursued

*Based on an average 125-hour degree plan. Students with degree programs requiring more hours may appeal for extended periods of entitlement.

  • Students who fail to complete their degree plan within the above limitations are ineligible to receive financial assistance, even if they did not receive financial aid each semester.
  • Hours dismissed through academic bankruptcy will count towards grade point average and hours attempted / pursued.

Appeal Procedures

Satisfactory Academic Progress will be checked after grades are posted at the end of the fall, spring and summer semesters.

  1. Notification. Students not in academic compliance will be notified after each semester. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) information is mailed to the student after determination of compliance with each semester’s standards.
  2. Probation. Students will be put on probation after their first semester of not maintaining SAP. Students on SAP Probation are eligible for financial aid. No appeal is necessary. After their second consecutive semester of not maintaining SAP, their financial aid will be terminated. Not attending one or more semesters will not affect or change SAP status.
  3. Mitigating Circumstances. Students who have extenuating circumstances causing the cumulative grade point average and/or hours earned to fall below standard may appeal to the Financial Aid Appeal Committee. Examples of extenuating circumstances are prolonged illness under a doctor’s care, illness or accidents requiring hospitalization or prolonged illness of a dependent, or death of an immediate family member. Proper documentation is required.
  4. Submission Deadline. Students must submit their appeal letter no later than two weeks prior to the appeal meeting. Appeal letter must be in writing and accompanied by detailed documentation.
  5. Results. The appeal committee decision will be granted or denied. If the appeal committee denies your appeal to re-establish financial aid eligibility, students must enroll one semester without receiving federal financial aid, and must meet the minimum standards. The Appeal Committee decision is final. Personal appeal concerning the Committee’s decision will not be allowed.

Student Responsibilities

  1. A student must file an Application for Admission to the University, or be accepted for admission in order to apply for financial assistance.
  2. Financial aid is awarded on an annual basis. To be considered for aid in subsequent years, an application must be submitted annually by the announced deadline, usually May 1. ERRORS CAN DELAY RECEIVING FINANCIAL AID.
  3. A student must provide all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the Office of Financial Aid or the agency to which the student submitted an application by the announced deadline, usually May 1.
  4. A student should read and understand all forms and keep personal copies.
  5. A student receiving and/or applying for financial aid must maintain “Satisfactory Academic Progress” as defined by the policies of the University in order to remain on the various aid programs.
  6. A student who is a recipient of an award not included on the Financial Aid notification letter must inform the Office of Financial Aid of the source and amount. Other awards such as scholarships, tuition exemptions, and VA Benefits may reduce the amount of Title IV financial aid for which a student qualifies; however, if a change in award is necessary, a student’s revised package will not contain less gift assistance than the original award of scholarships and grant money.
  7. No student who has earned a baccalaureate degree is eligible for the Federal Pell Grant, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), or the LEAP.
  8. A student must be enrolled at least six (06) hours in order to participate in on-campus programs (work, loans, and FSEOG, etc.).
  9. A student must keep the Office of Financial Aid informed of any courses dropped or resignation from school. All address and/or name changes must be reported through the Office of the Registrar.
  10. A student who resigns from school before the end of the academic semester or summer session may have to refund a portion of the aid received which is not applicable to attendance at McNeese. All federal financial aid recipients who officially and/or unofficially withdraw from a class are subject to repaying a portion of the funding received.
  11. To be eligible for Title IV assistance, a student must be enrolled in a degree seeking program. Since undergraduate students cannot earn a degree through EASE, undergraduates who are enrolled through EASE are not eligible to receive financial aid. If a student is not pursuing a degree plan and/or taking courses for non-credit, the student is not eligible to receive any financial assistance.
  12. A student assigned University employment CANNOT WORK UNTIL the “Work Assignment” has been received from the Student Employment Office. A student will not be paid for work until the time sheet is signed by both the student and the supervisor. Also, a student may not exceed the allotted hours per week of work assigned. A student must perform in a satisfactory manner the work that is agreed upon in accepting a campus job. Student income earned through on campus employment is taxable and must be claimed on a tax return.
  13. Any student receiving a Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, and/or Federal Perkins Loan for the first time must complete Student Loan First Time Borrowers Entrance Counseling on the Internet through the McNeese Financial Aid Web site at The entrance counseling is for the borrower to learn the rights and responsibilities pertaining to the student loan program.
  14. A first-time Student Loan borrower who has earned less than 30 hours cannot receive Student Loan funds until he/she has attended classes for 30 days.
  15. A student who does not plan to enroll next semester, resigns during the semester or graduates, and has received a Federal Perkins, Federal Stafford Student Loan, or Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loan must complete Exit Counseling at before leaving the University. The student is responsible for the Promissory Note and other signed agreements. A student with a loan must notify the lender of changes in name, address, or student status.
  16. All entering freshmen must have earned a high school diploma or GED to be eligible for Title IV student assistance. A certificate of completion from high school is not acceptable. Any student who has not earned a high school diploma or GED must attend college and earn an overall grade point average of at least 2.0 with 12 hours of college credit to establish financial aid eligibility. Remedial courses will not fulfill this requirement.
  17. All males must be registered with selective service and may be required to give proof of registration compliance.
  18. The amount of grant and/or scholarship assistance received by a student which exceeds the cost of tuition and required books is taxable income for IRS purposes.
  19. The summer semester is awarded separately from the fall/spring award period. The financial aid office will award the maximum eligibility to the student for the fall/spring award period. If the student has additional eligibility for the academic year, then summer aid will be awarded upon student’s request.
  20. A student having questions concerning his/her award or who is experiencing financial difficulty should phone (337) 475-5065 or visit the Office of Financial Aid.

McNeese State University Estimated 2008-2009 Cost of Attendance Louisiana Resident: Fall 2008 and Spring 2009

  Living with parents, no dependent children Living with parents, with dependent children Living off campus, not w/ parents Single- student housing Married student housing Enrolled less than half-time
Tuition/Fees $3,400 $3,400 $3,400 $3,400 $3,400 $1,300
Room/Board $2,780 $4,481 $7,814 $4,796 $7,644 $0
Transport. $1,498 $1,498 $1,498 $995 $995 $1,498
Misc. $1,726 $1,726 $1,726 $1,726 $1,726 $0
Books, etc $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $600
TOTALS $10,604 $12,305 $15,638 $12,117 $14,965 $3,398




Federal Pell Grants

The Federal Pell Grant is a need-based program which provides money to help undergraduates pay for their education after high school. For many students, these grants provide a foundation of financial aid, to which aid from other Federal and Non-Federal sources may be added. Unlike loans, grants DO NOT have to be paid back. Pell awards range from $200 to $2155 per semester. Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress to participate in this program.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a need-based program to help pay for education after high school. It is for undergraduate students only, and it DOES NOT have to be paid back. A student may get up to $2,000 a year, depending on need, the availability of FSEOG funds, and the amount of other aid received. A student must qualify for Federal Pell Grant in order to receive an FSEOG. The cumulative grade point average required is at least a 2.0 on a 4.0 system with the required number of earned hours based on the attempted hours each semester. Every year, the Department of Education gives McNeese a specific amount of funds for FSEOG’s. These awards are made on a first come, first serve basis. When total funds are awarded, there are no more FSEOG’s for that year; therefore, it is important to meet the school’s financial aid application deadlines.

Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP)

Louisiana residents who enroll or who are accepted for enrollment as full-time students exhibiting a high need factor and having a 2.0 grade point average or better on a 4.0 system, are considered for the (LEAP). Recipients must maintain good academic standing (2.0 grade point average or better) to remain on this program. Maximum award cannot exceed $1,500. Like FSEOG, funding for this program is limited each year.

Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)

A grant that is given to first and second year students who have taken a rigorous high school curriculum and have not been enrolled previously in an undergraduate program.

National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART)

A grant given to third and fourth year students pursuing a degree in math, science, technology or certain foreign languages, who maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average in the classes required for that major.

GO Grant

A need based state grant for Louisiana residents that are a Federal Pell Grant recipient. Also, students must be a first time freshman for Fall 2007 semester or 25 years of age or older and not have enrolled in credit bearing courses for at least one academic year.



Federal Perkins Student Loan Program

This program is available to students from low-income families. The maximum amount that a student may borrow is $1500 per semester. These loans are based on evidence of a student’s ability to perform university work as well as economic need. Payment of these loans is at five percent interest with the first payment due 9 months after a student leaves the institution or graduates.

Federal Stafford Loan Program

This program is available to students who are enrolled for at least 6 credit hours each semester at the time of awarding and disbursing of funds. Students borrow from qualified lending institutions and may apply for a maximum loan according to the following schedule (new limits effective July 1, 2007):

  • $3,500 for students who have earned less than 30 hours (freshmen).
  • $4,500 for students who have earned at least 30 hours but less than 60 (sophomores).
  • $5,500 for students who have earned at least 60 hours, but have not completed the requirements for a baccalaureate degree (juniors, seniors and graduates not pursuing a graduate degree).
  • $8,500 for graduate students pursuing a graduate degree and enrolled in at least 6 hours of graduate-level courses. If a graduate student is not enrolled in at least 6 hours of graduate level courses, they could be considered ineligible or eligible for lower level loan amounts.

The total of a Federal Stafford Loan award and a Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan award may not exceed the above annual award limits. The U.S. Department of Education will deduct an origination fee of 3% and 1% default fee of the principal amount of the loan from each disbursement received by a student. These fees are used to offset the costs of default claims and special allowances.

Continuing and transfer students may apply if they have been making satisfactory progress by earning the required number of hours each year with a grade point average of at least 2.0. A first time Federal Stafford borrower who has earned less than 30 hours cannot receive a Federal Stafford Loan check until he/she has attended classes for 30 days.

Loans of this type are repaid over a period of 10 years, excluding periods of deferment and/or forbearance. Interest does not accrue while the student is enrolled at least half time (06-six hours). Repayment of principal and interest commences 6 months after the day on which the student ceases to be enrolled at least half-time (06-six hours). The interest rate is fixed at 6.8% effective July 1, 2006.

Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan Program

This loan program is available to all students, regardless of family income, who are enrolled for at least 6 credit hours each semester at the time of awarding and disbursing of funds. Students borrow from qualified lending institutions and loan limits are the same as for the Federal Stafford Loan Program. The total of a Federal Stafford Loan award and a Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan award may not exceed the above annual award limits. The U. S. Department of Education will deduct an origination fee of 3% and 1% default fee of the principal amount of the loan from each disbursement received by a student. These fees are used to offset the cost of default claims and special allowances.

Continuing and transfer students may apply if they have been making satisfactory progress by earning the required number of hours each academic year with a grade point average of at least 2.0 per academic year. A first time Federal Unsubsidized Stafford borrower who has earned less than 30 hours cannot receive an Unsubsidized Stafford Loan check until he/she has attended classes for 30 days.

Loans of this type are repaid over a period of 10 years, excluding periods of deferment and/or forbearance. Students must pay interest during in-school, grace and deferments. These interest payments may be made monthly, quarterly, or be added to the principal amount of the loan (i.e. capitalized). Repayment of principal commences 6 months after the month in which the student ceases to be enrolled at least half-time (06-six hours). The interest rate is fixed at 6.8% effective July 1, 2006.

Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

PLUS loans are for parents of dependent students. Parents who do not have adverse credit history may borrow from qualified lending institutions, and may borrow an amount equal to the cost of education minus estimated financial assistance for each dependent student who is enrolled at least half time. The interest rate is fixed at 8.5 % effective July 1, 2006. The U. S. Department of Education will deduct an origination fee of 3% and 1% default fee of the principal balance of each disbursement. These fees are used to offset the cost of default claims and special allowances. Repayment of PLUS loans begins immediately and are repaid over a period of 10 years, excluding periods of deferment/forbearance. Borrower should contact lender to obtain information regarding possible deferment forbearance options.



Through Federal Work-Study and Student Aid Programs, students are awarded a part-time job on campus by the Office of Financial Aid and will be assigned a department to work in by the Student Employment Office. Students may be considered for employment in either program, depending upon financial need, grades, availability of funds, and other factors.

A student desiring employment must have a current application on file and, if requested for work by a department, must be assigned by the Student Employment Office before beginning work each semester or session. This regulation applies to those who have held student jobs previously, as well as to new applicants.

The pay scale is determined by federal regulations and the Minimum Wage Law which is in effect during the period of employment. A student MAY NOT begin work without a work assignment each semester. Student income earned through on-campus employment is taxable and must be claimed on a tax return.


This program is open to all students regardless of income. However, funds are limited and are awarded on a first come basis based on your eligibility.


With regard to the provisions of Legislative Act 808 which states that each school shall adopt rules and regulations to provide for the administration of the various student loan funds and the granting and repayment of such loans, the following policy is observed by McNeese State University relative to the withholding of academic transcripts from defaulted student borrowers.

In order for an academic transcript to be released, a defaulted student borrower must repay all outstanding principal, interest and fees in full. This provision also applies to the student whose parent has defaulted on a Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students which the parent borrowed on behalf of the student.

With regard to the requirement of Act 808 that each school policy shall include a due process procedure permitting a student, if the student desires, to appear before the final arbiter prior to any action withholding such student’s transcript, such an appeal shall be made to the Director of Financial Aid at McNeese State University.



In an effort to reduce default rates for the Federal Stafford Student Loan Program, Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loan Program, Federal Supplemental Loan for Students Program, Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students Program, and the Federal Perkins Loan Program, and prevent future defaulted student loans, McNeese State University hereby adopts the following default prevention and reduction measures.

Measures adopted by McNeese State University

  • Before awarding a student loan, an aid officer must verify that the applicant, including transfer student applicant, has maintained an overall GPA greater than or equal to 2.0, as well as earned a GPA of at least 2.0 with at least the minimum number of hours during the last academic year, as required by current Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for financial aid recipients.
  • If a student loan award is processed after mid-term, and the student’s mid-term grades do not meet current minimum Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid recipients, the Office of Financial Aid reserves the right to withhold the student loan award. Students may appeal this decision to the Director of Financial Aid.
  • After final grades are posted for each academic year, students who fail to meet the minimum Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid recipients have the right to appeal in writing to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. The committee made up of faculty, staff, and student representatives, will review the student’s appeal letter and grade history. The committee will grant or deny the student’s appeal. If the student is appealing for grant/job assistance in addition to loan assistance, the committee may grant all other assistance and deny the student loan.
  • Borrowers with defaulted student loans may not receive an official academic transcript until the loan is paid in full, but can receive an “unofficial” academic transcript at any time. Defaulted borrowers may appeal this decision to the Director of Financial Aid. This policy is requested by the State of Louisiana Guarantee Agency, and is in accordance with ACT 808 adopted by the Louisiana Legislature during the 1990 regular session.
  • A student whose parent has defaulted on a Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) which was borrowed on behalf of the student may not receive an academic transcript until the loan is paid in full. This McNeese policy is consistent with the treatment of defaulted Federal Stafford Student Loan borrowers provided for by ACT 808.

Measures Mandated by Federal Regulation

  • First-time borrowers who have earned less than 30 semester hours must attend classes for 30 days prior to receiving loan proceeds.
  • First-time borrowers must complete the entrance counseling at prior to receiving loan proceeds. At this time, borrowers are counseled regarding their rights, responsibilities and obligations pertaining to repayment of their student loan(s).
  • All borrowers who graduate, transfer, resign, or do not return to McNeese the subsequent semester must complete the exit counseling. All graduating seniors must complete exit counseling at and/or attend a personal exit interview with the Perkins Loan Office at McNeese prior to receiving their diploma. At this time, borrowers are counseled regarding their rights, responsibilities, and obligations pertaining to repayment of their student loan (s).
  • The University must notify the lending institution of the Guarantee Agency within 60 days after a borrower ceases to be enrolled at least half time (06-six hours).
  • Borrowers with defaulted student loans are not eligible to receive any further Title IV assistance until the loan is fully repaid or satisfactory repayment arrangements have been made.



All students who resign from the University must submit written notice of resignation to the McNeese Office of the Registrar.

For purposes of this policy, an institutional refund means the amount paid for institutional charges for a payment period by financial aid and/or cash payments minus the amount retained by the institution for the portion of the payment period that the student was actually enrolled at the institution. If a student receives Title IV financial assistance withdraws on or before completing 60 percent of the semester in which the Title IV aid was disbursed, the following Return of Title IV Funds policy will be applied.

McNeese State University implemented the new federal Return of Title IV Funds policy beginning with the Fall 2000 semester per the Higher Education Act of 1998. This policy applies to any student who receives Title IV aid such as Federal Pell Grant, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), Science and Math Access to Retain Talent (SMART), Federal Work Study (FWS), Federal Stafford Loans (Subsidized, Unsubsidized and Parent) and who officially withdraws, drops out, is expelled, stops attending, takes an unapproved leave of absence (unofficial withdrawal), or fails to return from an approved leave of absence (unofficial withdrawal). Refer to the “Withdrawal from the University” section of this catalog for requirements for officially withdrawing from school.

The amount of Title IV Funds to return to the applicable federal programs will be determined by using the student’s withdrawal date or last date of attendance (when there is no official withdrawal date) to calculate the percentage of the enrollment period for which the student did not complete. McNeese will remit that unearned percentage of the unearned Title IV Funds that were disbursed or that could have been disbursed to the federal programs. The school will return the lesser of the total of unearned aid or any amount equal to institutional charges multiplied by the percentage of unearned aid. The student will be responsible for repaying any remaining unearned portion that was disbursed to him/her.

Failure to attend class or failure to resign properly could cause the student to receive a letter grade of “F” or “WN”. In this case, the student would still be subject to the return of funds policy once a last-attended date is established. Merely discontinuing class attendance is not considered to be a formal resignation from the university. Students who were awarded financial assistance and who discontinue class attendance may be held responsible for repayment of all tuition and fees. Please refer to the “Class Attendance Regulations” section of this catalog for requirements on class attendance.

If a student’s portion of unearned Title IV funds is a loan, no action by the school is necessary. Regular loan terms and conditions apply. If a student’s portion of unearned Title IV funds is a federal grant, the amount of grant overpayment due from student is limited to the amount by which the original grant overpayment amount exceeds half of the total Title IV grant funds received by the student. A student does not have to repay a grant overpayment of $50 or less.

In the event of resignation, the McNeese institutional refund policy will be applied and tuition will be reduced by that amount. The student may be liable for any Title IV funds disbursed to his/her account in excess of the amount allowed by federal regulations. The school will collect the portion of any assistance owed by the student. If no payment is received, holds will be placed on the student’s account and the student will lose eligibility for Title IV aid unless the overpayment is paid in full or satisfactory repayment arrangements are made. Unearned funds are allocated to the Title IV program from which the student received assistance, in the following order:

1st Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
2nd Federal Stafford Loans
3rd Federal PLUS Loans
4th Federal Perkins Loans
5th Federal Pell Grant
6th ACG
8th Federal SEOG Grant
9th Other Title IV Programs

After the institutional refund has been credited in this order, any remaining amount will be returned to the student.

Refund of Housing/Room Charges

Rooms may be reserved by placing a deposit/application fee with the Office of Student Housing and Residence Life. For information concerning deposits, call the Office of Student Housing and Residence Life at 337-475-5606. The Office of Student Housing and Residence Life will refund the deposit portion of the fee when the term lease ends and the student vacates the property with no damages to the building or furnishings, and no unpaid balances for lease remains. Students are obligated to fulfill the lease signed by them.

Refund of Board Charges

The University will refund Board charges in full if a student submits written notice of cancellation prior to the first day of class. For students who resign or vacate the residence halls after the first day of class, unused board charges will be refunded on a pro-rata basis. The institutional refund amount determined in this manner as due for tuition and/or room and board charges will be credited in the following order:

1st Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
2nd Federal Stafford Loans
3rd Federal PLUS Loans
4th Federal Perkins Loans
5th Federal Pell Grant
6th ACG
8th Federal SEOG
9th State Grants and Scholarships (including LEAP and GO Grant)
10th Institutional Scholarships

After the institutional refund has been credited in this order, any remaining amount will be returned to the student.



Ralynn F. Castete, Director

The Department of Scholarships and Testing provides information and assistance to prospective and current students in meeting their scholarship and testing needs. The Scholarship Office coordinates the application/selection/disbursement processes for the MSU academic scholarship program. The Testing Office provides assistance with a number of examinations related to the collegiate arena. The office is located in Kaufman Hall, Room 156 or may be reached by calling (337) 475-5140 or 1-800-622- 3352 extension 5140.



Testing services available include college entrance examinations (ACT), graduate and professional school tests (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, PRAXIS) national credit examinations (CLEP), college correspondence course exams, Midpoint Assessment of Academic Progress (MAAP) and the GED. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Testing Officer at the above location.



Application for academic scholarships should be made during the fall of an applicant’s senior year of high school. An ACT/SAT score, a six semester high school transcript, the Academic Scholarship Application, and the Application for Admission must be submitted by December 1 for priority consideration for an academic scholarship.

Entering Freshmen

Scholarships are awarded beginning in December and are effective the fall semester of the freshman year. Some scholarships are renewable provided the student meets certain established criteria.

  • Board of Supervisors Academic Scholarships. Awarded to outstanding Louisiana high school graduates. Scholarships are $2,800 (subject to change) per academic year. Selection is on a competitive basis of combined high school grades and ACT/SAT scores. The awards shall be for a maximum period of four years provided the student earns a minimum of twelve hours and maintains a cumulative 3.0 grade point average each semester. Approximately 25 are available each year.
  • H.C. Drew Foundation Scholarships. Awarded to students who major in one of the following disciplines: Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Chemistry, Clinical Laboratory Science, Computer Information Technology, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Finance, Teacher Education, Engineering, Engineering Technology, Science, General Studies (AGS), Marketing/Management, Radiologic Sciences, Nursing, Nutrition and Family Studies, Paralegal Studies, Biological Sciences with a Premedicine Concentration, and Special Education. Selection is made on a competitive basis within applicable disciplines based upon high school grades and ACT/SAT scores (subject to funding).
  • Distinguished Achievement Award. Available to incoming freshmen who have achieved academic and leadership success. The award is typically $500-$1500 per year (subject to change) and may be renewable provided the student earns 12 hours each semester and maintains a 2.5 cumulative grade point average.
  • McNeese Enrollment Management Scholarship. Available to first-time McNeese attendees. Selection is based on GPA, ACT, class rank, and/or other qualities which demonstrate the potential for success at the college level. Awards are renewable provided the student meets compliance criteria. Interested students should submit the Academic Scholarship Application.
  • McNeese Residence Hall Scholarship. Award amount varies and is renewable provided the student earns a 3.0 grade point average, remains in good standing with the University, resides in a residence hall, and purchases a meal ticket.

Transfer Students

Students transferring to MSU may apply for scholarships by completing the Academic Scholarship Application and Application for Admission. Applications may be obtained by calling (337) 475-5140 or 1-800-622-3352 Extension 5140.

Continuing Students

Replacement scholarships are awarded to upperclassmen as availability occurs. Students are encouraged to file an Academic Scholarship Application in the Scholarship Office, Kaufman Hall, Room 156. In addition to the foregoing scholarships, the Scholarship Office administers a number of private donor awards which are sponsored by private organizations, industry, the McNeese Alumni Association, and the McNeese Foundation.

Music, Band, Art and Choral Scholarships

Scholarships in these areas may also be available to incoming and continuing students. Interested students should contact the appropriate department for information on scholarship opportunities and application procedures.

Cheerleaders and Cowgirl Kickers

Scholarships may by available for participants in these groups. Students should contact the director of these groups for additional information on auditions.

Rodeo Scholarships

Number and amount of rodeo scholarships vary each year depending on private donor funding. Selection is based on scholastic ability, leadership qualities, and competitiveness in the sport of rodeo. Apply to the Rodeo Coach.

Other Financial Assistance

The Tuition Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS) and Rockefeller Scholarships are available to eligible Louisiana high school graduates. Information may be obtained from the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance, P.O. Box 91202, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9202. Telephone number 1-800-259-5626. Vocational Rehabilitation is a public service program for the disabled. Students should check with their high school counselor or the nearest Louisiana Rehabilitation Services Office.

Foundation Scholarships and Awards

The listing of Foundation Scholarships and Awards is published on the McNeese State University Web site: Application should be made to the Scholarship Office.

Private Donor Scholarships

The listing of Private Donor Scholarships is published on the McNeese State University Web site: Application should be made to the Scholarship Office.

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