Feb 15, 2025
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Course Descriptions
• MCOM 261 - Introduction to Public Relations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 311 - Writing for Radio and Television (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 312 - Newswriting (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 332 - Radio and Television Announcing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 333 - Management in New Media (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 338 - Writing for Public Relations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 340 - Advanced Production (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 343 - News Production (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 347 - Advanced Newswriting (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 353 - Ethics in the Mass Media (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 355 - Emerging Media Practices (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 361 - Public Relations Techniques (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 365 - The Television Documentary (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 371 - Public Relations Case Studies (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 375 - Mass Media History (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 385 - Diversity and Intercultural Communication (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 395 - Mass Media Practicum (Lec. 1-3, Cr. 1-3)
• MCOM 400 - Seminar in Professional Practices (Lec. 1, Cr. 1)
• MCOM 409 - Journalism Practices (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 419 - Multimedia News Practices (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 442 - Media Law (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 461 - Public Relations Research Methods (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 462 - Public Relations Media Campaign Strategy (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 475 - Web Publishing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 476 - Principles of Multimedia Design and Production (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 481 - Mass Communication Theory and Research (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 491 - Internship in Communication (Cr. 3)
• MCOM 495 - Special Topics in Mass Communication (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MCOM 496 - Independent Study (Cr. 3)
• MEEN 316 - Strength of Materials Laboratory (Lab. 3, Cr. 1)
• MEEN 321 - Dynamics of Machinery (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 330 - System Dynamics and Simulation (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 340 - Electric Machinery and Power Systems (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 402 - Machine Design (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 407 - Gas Dynamics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 409 - Advanced Thermodynamics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 412 - Mechatronics Laboratory (Lab. 3, Cr. 1)
• MEEN 414 - Mechanical Vibrations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 415 - Heat Flow Laboratory (Lab. 3, Cr. 1)
• MEEN 423 - Theory and Applications of Numerical Modeling and Simulation (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 436 - Turbomachinery (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 451 - Design of Heat Exchangers (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 455 - Engineering Acoustics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 507 - Gas Dynamics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 523 - Theory and Applications of Numerical Modeling and Simulation (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 536 - Turbomachinery (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 551 - Design of Heat Exchangers (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 555 - Engineering Acoustics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 604 - Advanced Signal Processing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 605 - Process Heat Transfer (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 607 - Advanced Gas Dynamics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 608 - Convection Heat Transfer (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 620 - Advanced Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (Cr. 1-3)
• MEEN 627 - Advanced Dynamics-Modeling and Analysis (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 635 - Computational Fluid Dynamics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 641 - Advanced Fluid Mechanics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 650 - Advanced Strength of Materials (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 660 - Advanced Machine Design (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MEEN 670 - Advanced Rotordynamics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 300 - Management Concepts and Practices (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 310 - Human Resource Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 312 - Legal Issues in Human Resource Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 315 - Staffing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 330 - Organizational Behavior (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 335 - Innovative Management Perspectives (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 343 - Managing the Diverse Workplace (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 345 - Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 370 - Operations Management and Quantitative Methods (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 382 - Compensation Administration (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 403 - Labor Relations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 410 - Supervision (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 411 - Leadership (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 412 - Organizational Dynamics and Change (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 481 - Strategic Management (Lec. 3, Lab. 1, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 485 - Management Internship (Cr. 3)
• MGMT 490 - Directed Research in Management (Cr. 3)
• MGMT 604 - Management Theory and Organizational Behavior (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 622 - Organizational Behavior (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 626 - Human Resource Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 630 - Business Ethics and Diversity (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 632 - Entrepreneurship (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 633 - Managing Global Workforce (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 690 - Directed Research in Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MGMT 699 - Seminar in Strategic Management and Business Policy (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 320 - Marketing Principles (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 351 - Retail Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 375 - Consumer Behavior (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 380 - Personal Selling (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 383 - Marketing Innovations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 385 - E-Marketing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 400 - Business to Business Marketing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 444 - Integrated Marketing Communications (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 461 - Marketing Research (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 480 - Marketing Management and Strategy (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 485 - Marketing Internship (Cr. 3)
• MKTG 490 - Directed Research in Marketing (Cr. 3)
• MKTG 605 - Marketing Concepts (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 620 - Marketing Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 625 - Professional Selling and Sales Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• MKTG 635 - International Marketing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
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