Jan 26, 2025  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions

  • SAXO 405 - Saxophone (Lab. 1-3, Cr. 1-3)

    Private instruction for saxophone. Students remain at senior level if the instrumental faculty determine the student did not achieve at an appropriate level for advancement.

    Prerequisite: SAXO 404

    Lab. 1-3 Cr. 1-3

  • SAXO 406 - Saxophone (Lab. 1-3, Cr. 1-3)

    Private instruction in saxophone. Student remains at senior level if the instrumental faculty determines the student did not achieve at an appropriate level for advancement.

    Prerequisite: SAXO 405

    Lab. 1-3 Cr. 1-3

  • SOCL 201 - Introductory Sociology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CSOC 2013, Introduction to Sociology

    An overview of important theories and findings in sociology.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    General Education Core Curriculum
    Social/Behavioral Sciences

  • SOCL 211 - Social Problems (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CSOC 2113, Social Problems

    Study of individual, family, and community disorganization. Attention is given to social planning and reconstruction.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    General Education Core Curriculum
    Social/Behavioral Sciences

  • SOCL 221 - Introduction to Social Work (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Designed to introduce the student to the principles of social work and to the fields of social work.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 231 - Criminology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Causes, incidences, and control of crime in modern society; a comparison of contemporary methods of dealing with persons convicted of crimes.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 231 and CJUS 231.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 302 - Rural and Urban Communities (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Comparison of community life and rural and urban environments with emphasis on Louisiana communities.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 303 - Population (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Analysis of composition, distribution, and growth of population. Trends and problems are studied.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 311 - The Family (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Relationship between the family as an institution and as an interpersonal experience, with emphasis on the developmental stages of the family life cycle from both cultural and historical perspective.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 312 - Principles and Methods of Social Work (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Principles of individual social work which include the study of the client, the problem, the worker, the agency, and the process of service.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 320 - Social Research Methods (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Instruction in research design, sampling techniques, and secondary analysis of data, with particular attention to selection of research designs appropriate for specific problem analysis.

    Prerequisites: Six hours of sociology or government.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    WE NYF
  • SOCL 352 - Death and Dying (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Social processes associated with aging, death and dying in American society. Demonstrates the meaning in our culture of these three interrelated stages of life.

    Duplicate credit not given for SOCL 351 and SOCL 352.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 401 - Terrorism, Crime, and Security (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Terrorism and related crime on a global basis. Trends, techniques and deficiencies related to solutions of the current terrorist problem and terrorism’s likely implications for the free world.

    Duplicated credit will not be given for CJUS 401 and CJUS 501 or SOCL 501.

    Prerequisites: 6 hours of sociology, government, criminal justice or related fields, and consent of instructor.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 402 - Contemporary Society (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Major institutions in American society with particular emphasis on industry, education, medicine, science, and technology.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 402 and SOCL 502.

    Prerequisite: Six hours of Sociology or permission of the department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 407 - Sociology of Religion (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Effects of religious beliefs, practice and change upon human relationships and institutions. Analysis of functions and cross-cultural comparisons.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 407 and SOCL 507.

    Prerequisite: Six hours of Sociology or related area, or consent of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 409 - Medical Sociology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Social causes and consequences of health and illness.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 409 and SOCL 509.

    Prerequisites: Six hours of sociology or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 411 - Sociological Theory (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CSOC 3013, Sociological Theory

    Systematic study of the major writings in the development of sociological thought, along with selected work of contemporary sociologists.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 411 and SOCL 511.

    Prerequisites: SOCL 201 and 6 sem. hrs. in sociology or in a closely related field.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 413 - Social Stratification (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Socially structured inequality and differentiation in society. Examines inequality from a variety of perspectives, focusing on status, gender, race and ethnic relations.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 413 and SOCL 513.

    Prerequisites: Six hours of Sociology or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 415 - Work and Occupations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Social organization of work with emphasis on the professions and semi-professions.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 415, CJUS 415, SOCL 515, and CJUS 515.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 or CJUS 111.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 421 - U.S. and World Extremism (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Survey of U.S. and world political extremism since 1800.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 421 and SOCL 521.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 423 - Applied Sociology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study necessary tools and methods from successful interventions or solutions to social problems. Emphasizes case studies and hands-on experience to develop familiarity with a variety of applied techniques including program evaluation, needs assessment, social indicators, social impact analysis, policy analysis, and focus group research.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 423 and SOCL 523.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 and 211.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 425 - Collective Behavior and Social Movements (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Overview of processes of collective behavior and social movements in historical and contemporary societies.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 425 and SOCL 525.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 427 - Science, Technology, and Society (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Examines the growth of science, its social structure-stratification, norms, and deviance, the social context of scientific knowledge and practice, and science polity. Explores the links of technology and science in the workplace.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 427 and SOCL 527.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 430 - Sociology of Developing Nations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of how social values and cultural traditions of third-world countries affect economic courses of development and the resulting stability or instability.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 430 and SOCL 530.

    Prerequisite: Six hours of sociology.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 431 - Deviance and Social Control (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Social and institutional conformity as well as deviance from control forces.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 431 and SOCL 531, CJUS 431 or CJUS 531.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 433 - Political Sociology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Sociological analysis of political behavior and belief, group conflict and political process, group consensus, political institutions, power and policy-making systems; relationship of the political system to the social system.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 433 and SOCL 533.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 441 - Individual and Society (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of social behavior arising from individual-group interaction.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 441 and SOCL 541.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 451 - Selected Topics in Sociology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Analysis and research into major trends in modern sociology.

    May be repeated as topics vary to accrue a total of 9 hours credit.

    Prerequisite: Six hours of sociology or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 460 - Social Organization (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Evolutionary and structural processes associated with the formation of different types of organizations and their impact on the personal and collective environment, taking historical and comparative perspectives.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 470 - Social Gerontology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Biological, psychological, and social processes of human aging and elderly identity formation with focus on the social aspect with historical and cross-cultural perspectives. Analysis of policy formulation and service delivery associated with the needs of the elderly.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 480 - Sociology of Development (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Etiological dynamics associated with the placement of various countries of the world in the international socioeconomic and political scale with historical and structural perspectives. Analysis of consequent metamorphosis associated with such dynamics in the arenas of conflict, ecosystems, and social justice.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 490 - Social Policy (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Social psychological, political, economic, religious, and ecological dynamics associated with policy formulations with an historical approach. Analysis of health care delivery, criminal justice system, educational performance, geophysical outcomes, economic sustainment, and family formation in the international context.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 501 - Terrorism, Crime, and Security (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Terrorism and related crime on a global basis. Trends, techniques, and deficiencies related to solutions of the current terrorist problem and terrorism’s likely implications for the free world. Students required to do extensive reading and reporting.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 501 and SOCL 401, CJUS 401 or CJUS 501.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 502 - Contemporary Society (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Examines the major institutions in American Society with particular emphasis on industry, education, medicine and science and technology. Utilizes a variety of perspectives to assess the impact of these institutions on individuals. Students required to do extensive reading and reporting.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 502 and SOCL 402.

    Prerequisites: Six hours of Sociology or in a closely related field, or consent of the department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 507 - The Sociology of Religion (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Examines the effects of religious beliefs, practice and change upon human relationships and institutions. Includes analysis of functions and cross-cultural comparisons. Regular class lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 507 and SOCL 407.

    Prerequisite: Six hours of Sociology or related area, or consent of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 509 - Medical Sociology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Social causes and consequences of health and illness. Regular class lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed readings and independent research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 509 and SOCL 409.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 511 - Sociological Theory (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Systematic study of the major writing in the development of sociological thought, along with selected work of contemporary sociologists. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed reading, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 511 and SOCL 411.

    Prerequisites: SOCL 201 and 6 semester hours in sociology or in a closely related field.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 513 - Social Stratification (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Investigates socially structured inequality and differentiation in society. Examines inequality from a variety of perspectives, focusing on status, gender, race and ethnic relations. Regular class lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 513 and SOCL 413.

    Prerequisite: Six hours of Sociology or in a closely related field or consent of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 515 - Work and Occupations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Social organization of work, with particular emphasis on professions and semi-professionals. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 515, SOCL 415, CJUS 415, or CJUS 515.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 521 - U.S. and World Extremism (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Survey of U.S. and world political extremism since 1800. Primary emphasis is on “homegrown” extremists as contrasted with foreign extremists in the United States. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 521 and SOCL 421.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 523 - Applied Sociology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Examine successful interventions to social problems. Emphasizes case studies and hands-on experience to develop familiarity with a variety of applied techniques including program evaluation, needs assessment, social indicators, social impact analysis, policy analysis, and focus group research.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 523 and SOCL 423.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201 and 211.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 525 - Collective Behavior and Social Movements (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Overview of processes of collective behavior and social movements in historical and contemporary societies. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 525 and SOCL 425.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 527 - Science, Technology, and Society (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Examines the growth of science, its social structure-stratification, norms, and deviance, the social context of scientific knowledge and practice, and science polity. Explores the links of technology and science in the workplace. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 527 and SOCL 427.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 530 - Sociology of Developing Nations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of how society values and cultural traditions of third-world countries affect economic courses of development and the resulting stability or instability. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed reading, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 530 and SOCL 430.

    Prerequisite: Six hours of sociology.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 531 - Deviance and Social Control (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Examines social and institutional conformity as well as deviance from control forces. Class lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 531 and SOCL 431, CJUS 431, or CJUS 531.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 533 - Political Sociology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Sociological analysis of political behavior and belief, group conflict and political process, group consensus, political institutions, power and policy-making systems; relationship of the political system to the social system. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 533 and SOCL 433.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 541 - Individual and Society (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Social behavior arising from individual-group interaction. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed reading, independent research, and research papers.

    No duplicate credit for SOCL 541 and SOCL 441.

    Prerequisite: SOCL 201.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOCL 551 - Selected Topics in Sociology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Problems in the Sociology area. Lectures, discussion or research will be supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research papers.

    May be repeated when topics vary for a total of 9 semester hours.

    Prerequisites: Must be a graduate student pursuing a graduate degree and permission of department head. Students pursuing the Master of Science in Criminal Justice may not use thise course toward completion of degree requirements.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SOSC 370 - Social Sciences Internship I: Introduction to Agency Activity (Cr. 3)

    Supervised agency experience for majors in criminal justice, sociology, government and psychology. Students must work a minimum of 120 clock hours per semester. May be taken simultaneously with SOSC 371 and/or SOSC 372.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing, overall GPA of 2.5 and 15 semester hours in criminal justice, sociology, government and/or psychology earned at McNeese or permission of department head.

    Cr. 3

  • SOSC 371 - Social Sciences Internship II: Directed Participation in Agency Activity (Cr. 3)

    Supervised agency experience for majors in criminal justice, sociology, government, and psychology. Student must work a minimum of 120 clock hours per semester. May be taken simultaneously with SOSC 370 and/or SOSC 372.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing, overall GPA of 2.5 and 15 semester hours in criminal justice, sociology, government, and/or psychology earned at McNeese or permission of department head.

    Cr. 3

  • SOSC 372 - Social Sciences Internship III: Directed Participation and Evaluation in Agency Activity (Cr. 3)

    Supervised agency experience for majors in criminal justice, sociology, government, and psychology. Students must work a minimum of 120 clock hours per semester. May be taken simultaneously with SOSC 370 and/or SOSC 371.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing, overall GPA of 2.5 and 15 semester hours credit in criminal justice, sociology, government, and/or psychology earned at McNeese or permission of department head.

    Cr. 3

  • SOSC 400 - Portfolio (Lec. 1, Cr. 1)

    Supervised construction of portfolio. This course is limited to and required during the semester of anticipated graduation of all students majoring in a curriculum offered by the Department of Social Sciences.

    Prerequisite: Consent of the Department Head.

    Lec. 1 Cr. 1

  • SOSC 499 - Senior Research Seminar Capstone Experience (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Research methods, data gathering and analysis, and presentation of findings or perspectives leading toward conclusion of a senior research paper. Capstone experience for social science majors. Restricted to Criminal Justice, Political Science, and Sociology majors only.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish I (Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CSPN 1013, Elementary Spanish I (3 credit hours); CSPN 1014, Elementary Spanish I (4 credit hours; 1 credit hour will be general transfer credit); CSPN 1026, Elementary Spanish I+II (6 credit hours)

    Essentials of Spanish grammar and pronunciation with emphasis on conversation. Class work is supplemented in the language laboratory by special recordings which are designed to give the student a better aural-oral comprehension of the language. For information about Advanced Placement opportunities based on your test scores, click here .

    Lab attendance required.

    Cr. 3

  • SPAN 102 - Elementary Spanish II (Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CSPN 1023, Elementary Spanish II (3 credit hours); CSPN 1024, Elementary Spanish II (4 credit hours; 1 credit hour will be general transfer credit); CSPN 1026, Elementary Spanish I+II (6 credit hours)

    Essentials of Spanish grammar and pronunciation with emphasis on conversation. Class work is supplemented in the language laboratory by special recordings which are designed to give the student a better aural-oral comprehension of the language. For information about Advanced Placement opportunities based on your test scores, click here .

    Lab attendance required.

    Cr. 3

  • SPAN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CSPN 2013, Intermediate Spanish I (3 credit hours); CSPN 2014, Intermediate Spanish I (4 credit hours; 1 credit hour will be general transfer credit); CSPN 2026, Intermediate Spanish I+II (6 credit hours)

    Review of the basic principles of grammar together with carefully selected reading material which will develop oral and written expression in the language. Further laboratory experience is required according to student needs. For information about Advanced Placement opportunities based on your test scores, click here .

    Prerequisites: Two units of high school Spanish, or SPAN 101-102.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    General Education Core Curriculum

  • SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CSPN 2023, Intermediate Spanish II (3 credit hours); CSPN 2026, Intermediate Spanish I+II (6 credit hours)

    Review of the basic principles of grammar together with carefully selected reading material which will develop oral and written expression in the language. Further laboratory experience is required according to student needs. For information about Advanced Placement opportunities based on your test scores, click here .

    Prerequisites: Two units of high school Spanish, or SPAN 101-102.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    General Education Core Curriculum

  • SPAN 300 - Residence in Hispanic Country Internship (Cr. 1-12)

    Application of language skills in a Spanish speaking environment. Students are involved in total immersion living situation.

    Credit is awarded upon receipt of transcript of course work from Hispanic post secondary institution attended. May be repeated once for additional credit.

    Prerequisite: 6 hours of Spanish or equivalent.

    Cr. 1-12

  • SPAN 301 - Spanish Culture and Civilization (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Reading and discussion designed to develop an appreciation of Spain as an historical force and a cultural entity.

    Prerequisites: Four units of high school Spanish, or SPAN 201-202.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 302 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Reading and discussion designed to develop an appreciation of Spanish America as an historical force and cultural entity.

    Prerequisites: Four units of high school Spanish, or SPAN 201-202.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 304 - Readings in Spanish (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Use of contemporary media to develop reading comprehension and approaches to literature and to expand vocabulary.

    May be repeated as topics vary to accrue a total of 6 hours credit.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or equivalent.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 312 - Advanced Spanish Conversation (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Designed to develop a high level of individual proficiency in the spoken language.

    Prerequisites: 12 sem. hrs. in Spanish or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 315 - Advanced Spanish Grammar (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Intensive review of Spanish grammar. No duplicate credit for SPAN 315 and SPAN 311.

    Prerequisites: 12 sem. hrs. in Spanish or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 316 - Advanced Spanish Composition (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Intensive review of Spanish composition.

    No duplicate credit for SPAN 316 and SPAN 311.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 315 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 325 - Spanish Phonetics (Lec. 2, Lab. 2, Cr. 3)

    Review of the Spanish phonetic system using corrective and fluency drills in the language laboratory.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or equivalent or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 2 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 343 - Survey of Latin American Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Principal movements and central themes in the literature of Latin America.

    May be repeated once with approval of department head as topics vary.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 301.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 380 - Practicum in Spanish (Cr. 3)

    Practical experience using the Spanish language within the context of employment or volunteer work. A minimum of 120 hours of work under supervision is required. 

    May be repeated once for credit with permission of department head.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 202.

    Cr. 3

  • SPAN 411 - Special Topics in Spanish (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Spanish literature, culture and/or civilization at the advanced level.

    May be repeated as topics vary to accrue a total of 9 hours credit for SPAN 411 and/or SPAN 511. No duplicate credit for SPAN 411 and SPAN 511 of the same topic.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 441 - Topics in Spanish Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Literature of Spain.

    May be repeated once with approval of department head as topics vary. No duplicate credit for SPAN 441 and SPAN 541 on the same topic.

    Prerequisite: SPAN 301

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 511 - Special Topics in Spanish (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Spanish literature, culture, and/or civilization. Term paper in Spanish required.

    May be repeated, as topics vary, to accrue a total of 9 hours credit for SPAN 511 and/or SPAN 411. No duplicate credit for SPAN 511 and SPAN 411 on the same topic.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 521 - Spanish American Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Selected readings from Spanish American prose and poetry. Directed reading and a written research project required.

    No duplicate credit for SPAN 521 and SPAN 421.

    Prerequisites: Permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPAN 541 - Contemporary Spanish Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Twentieth-century Spanish literature. Directed reading and a written research project required.

    No duplicate credit for SPAN 541 and SPAN 441.

    Prerequisites: Permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 204 - Introduction to Multicultural and Special Education (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Interdisciplinary approach to multicultural education, comparative education, education of the diverse learner, and child abuse regulations.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 204 and EDUC 204.

    Prerequisite: EDTC 100.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 206 - Foundations of Early Childhood Special Education (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Characteristics, identification, and development of children with special needs, birth through five. 20 hours field experience.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 206 and SPED 202.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 207 - Language Development and Disorders (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Normal and disordered language development emphasizing aphasia, dyslexia, and neuropsychological dysfunction.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 207 and SPED 352, SPED 421, or SPED 572.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 335 - Assessment of Exceptional Students (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Assessment practices used to understand aptitudes and achievements of special education students. Psychometric properties of common tests as well as procedures in curriculum-based assessment.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 200 or EDUC 499.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 20 hours

  • SPED 338 - Curriculum and Materials for Exceptional Learners (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Principles and procedures underlying curriculum adaptation and development, including task analyses and concept analyses. Instruction and practices in writing and implementing Individualized Educational Plans. Assessing, selecting, adapting, and creating materials.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 200.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 352 - Survey of Programs for Exceptional Learners (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Characteristics, identification, educational, and transitional needs of exceptional learners. Programs for professionals who work with exceptional learners.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 352 and SPED 207.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 10 hours

  • SPED 403 - Working with Families and Paraprofessionals in Programs for Exceptional Students (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Developing skills to work effectively with families and community agencies. Training and supervision of paraprofessionals in special education.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 403 and SPED 518.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 200 or EDUC 499

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 20 hours

  • SPED 404 - Interdisciplinary and Interagency Teaming (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Professional roles of early intervention teams, including medical, social, and educational services. Strategies for team building and interagency collaboration between service settings.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 424 - Approaches to Managing Exceptional Children (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Methods and procedures in behavioral and humanistic intervention strategies including systematic behavioral assessment.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 424 and SPED 573.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 200 or EDUC 499.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 20 hours

  • SPED 440 - Sign Language I (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Mastery of manual alphabet, gestures, and facial expression used in communication with deaf and hearing-impaired. Finger spelling, basic signed English, expressive and receptive sign language.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 441 - Sign Language II (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Intermediate manual communication in American Sign Language and Signed English Systems.

    Prerequisite: SPED 440 or equivalent.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 442 - Methods of Teaching Basic Subjects to Mild/Moderate Students with Learning and Behavioral Disorders (Lec. 6, Cr. 6)

    Curriculum theory and development for elementary special education programs. Various teaching methods utilized with elementary exceptional learners; techniques involved in identifying, adapting, and developing materials.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 442 and SPED 443, SPED 444, SPED 503, or SPED 603.

    Prerequisite: SPED 338.

    Lec. 6 Cr. 6

  • SPED 443 - Methods and Materials for Elementary Special Education (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Curriculum theory and development for elementary special education programs. Various teaching methods utilized with elementary exceptional learners; techniques involved in identifying, adapting, and developing materials.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 443 and SPED 442 or SPED 503.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 200 or EDUC 499

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 20 hours

  • SPED 444 - Methods and Materials for Secondary Special Education (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Curriculum theory and development for secondary special education programs. Various teaching methods utilized with secondary exceptional learners; techniques involved in identifying, adapting, and developing materials.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 444 and SPED 442, SPED 443, SPED 503, or SPED 603.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 20 hours

  • SPED 445 - Prevocational, Vocational, and Transitional Services for Students with Disabilities (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Techniques for developing pre-vocational, vocational, and transitional skills for individuals with disabilities including organizational, administrative, and curricular aspects. Includes directed reading and research paper.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 445 and SPED 545.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 10 hours

  • SPED 452 - Assessment of the Young Child (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Purposes, uses, and implementation of formal, authentic, and family behavioral assessment. Developmentally appropriate practices as applied to early childhood and early childhood special education.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 452 and SPED 301, SPED 350, SPED 552, or SPED 605.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 200

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 453 - Methods and Materials for Early Childhood Special Education (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Methods, materials, and instructional program planning for children with special needs, birth to eight.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 453 and SPED 303, SPED 351, or SPED 401.

    Prerequisites: EDUC 200 or EDUC 499

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 455 - Methods of Classroom Organization and Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Promoting positive learning climates; managing routines and transitions; organizing space, materials, and equipment; and applying humanistic approaches to classroom management.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 455 and SPED 376 or SPED 576.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 200.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 466 - Practicum in Classroom Interventions (Lec. 1, Lab. 4, Cr. 3)

    Directed observation and teaching experiences. The time will be equally divided between regular and special education classrooms for students pursuing dual certification.

    Must be scheduled during the regular semester preceding student teaching.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 200 or EDUC 499.

    Lec. 1 Lab. 4 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 60 hours

  • SPED 468 - Student Teaching in Special Education (Cr. 9 or 12)

    Student classroom teaching and related activities conducted all day.

    Minimum of 200 teaching hours required. For students pursuing dual certification, time will be equally divided between regular and special education classrooms. Attendance at seminars is mandatory. No duplicate credit for SPED 468 and EDUC 468E, EDUC 468P, or EDUC 468S.

    Prerequisites: EDUC 200; completion of all methods courses with a grade of C or better, passage of the Specialty Area and PLT components of the Praxis, and permission of Director of Student Teaching and Professional Education Services (ST/PES).

    Cr. 9 or 12

    Field Experience 200 hours

  • SPED 488 - Student Teaching Non-Master’s Alternative Certification (Lab. 12, Cr. 6)

    Full-day experience in a special education school setting.

    Minimum of 200 actual teaching hours must be completed with a minimum of 10 days in all-day teaching.

    Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree, completion of all required education courses, EDUC 499, and passing scores on the Praxis II: PLT.

    Lab. 12 Cr. 6

    Field Experience 200 hours

  • SPED 489 - Internship Non-Master’s Alternative Certification (Lab. 6, Cr. 3)

    Special Education inservice teachers seeking certification. Supervision provided by principal, designated classroom teacher, and university supervisor. A minimum of 600 work hours is required.

    Intern will enroll for two semesters and credit will be given each semester.

    Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree, completion of all required education courses, EDUC 499, and passing scores on the Praxis II: PLT.

    Lab. 6 Cr. 3

  • SPED 503 - Methods of Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Writing and implementing Individualized Educational Programs (IEP). Goals and objectives, task analysis, and material design will be included. Candidates will learn about methods and techniques for teaching basic subjects.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 503 and SPED 443.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 599.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 20 hours

  • SPED 518 - Consultation and Collaboration in Program Planning (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Planning for the educational, medical, and social needs of exceptional learners. Strategies for team building, interagency collaboration, and interpersonal relationships with parents, teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and students.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 518 and SPED 403.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 599.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Field Experience 20 hours

  • SPED 545 - Introduction to Prevocational, Vocational, and Transitional Services for Students with Disabilities (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Techniques for developing pre-vocational, vocational, and transitional skills for individuals with disabilities including organizational, administrative, and curricular aspects. Includes directed readings and research paper.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 545 and SPED 345, SPED 445, or SPED 644.

    Prerequisites: Valid teaching certificate and EDUC 647 or SPED 201 or SPED 204; or EDUC 599.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 573 - Advanced Approaches to Managing Exceptional Students (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Advanced methods and procedures in behavioral instruction strategies. Includes 25 contact hours with students. Lectures and discussions supplemented by directed readings, independent research, and research paper.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 573 and SPED 424.

    Prerequisites: SPED 201 and SPED 424.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • SPED 575 - Studies in Special Education (Lec. 1-3, Cr. 1-3)

    Contemporary issues and innovations relevant to the education of the exceptional child. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by directed reading, independent research and research papers.

    Course content may change with the approval of the Dean of the College of Education. May be taught as a workshop. May be repeated as topics vary to accrue a total of 6 credit hours. No duplicate credit for SPED 575 and SPED 476.

    Prerequisite: Permission of department head.

    Lec. 1-3 Cr. 1-3

  • SPED 576 - Methods of Classroom Organization and Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Promoting positive learning climates; managing routines and transitions; organizing space, materials, and equipment; and applying humanistic approaches to classroom management.

    No duplicate credit for SPED 576, SPED 376, SPED 476, or SPED 455.

    Prerequisites: EDUC 200 or valid teaching certificate and SPED 201.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3


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