Feb 09, 2025
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Course Descriptions
• ELEN 431 - Power System Operations and Reliability (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 435 - Introduction to Robotics (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 441 - Power Electronics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 451 - Power System Control (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 455 - Electrical Power Systems Analysis (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 462 - Internet of Things and Embedded System Design (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 464 - Network Operating Systems (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 480 - Topics in Electrical Engineering (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 504 - Digital Signal Processing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 510 - Communication Theory (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 520 - Applied Industrial Control (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 528 - Coding and Communication (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 530 - Power System Protection (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 541 - Power Electronics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 551 - Power System Control (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 555 - Electrical Power Systems Analysis (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 564 - Network Operating Systems (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 580 - Topics in Electrical Engineering (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 601 - Passive and Active Network Synthesis (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 604 - Advanced Signal Processing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 620 - Advanced Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (Cr. 1-3)
• ELEN 650 - Power Generation, Operation, and Control (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 651 - Industrial Power Systems (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 655 - Advanced Modeling in Energy Conversion (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 662 - Embedded System Design (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 664 - Network Engineering I (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 665 - Network Engineering II (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELEN 684 - Network Engineering III (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELIT 639 - Supervision-Seminar in Supervision of Instruction (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELIT 644 - Special Topics in Administration and Supervision (Lec. 1-3, Cr. 1-3)
• ELIT 645 - The Elementary and Secondary School Principalships (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELIT 653 - School Administration: School Public Relations (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELIT 657 - School Administration: School Building and Custodial Service (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELIT 666 - School Administration: Foundations and Theory of Educational Administration (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELIT 669 - School Administration: Practicum in Educational Administration (Lab. 6, Cr. 3)
• ELIT 670 - The Visiting Teacher (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELIT 674 - Seminar in Curriculum Planning (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ELTR 151 - Fundamentals of Electricity (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 152 - Circuit Analysis (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 171 - Electronic Devices (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 172 - Electronic Amplifiers (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 202 - Communication Systems (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 209 - Operational Amplifiers and Linear Circuits (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 210 - Digital Electronics (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 212 - Introduction to Computer Networking (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 234 - Introduction to Microcontrollers and Programming (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 280 - Special Topics in Electronics Technology (Lec. 1-3, Lab. 0-3, Cr. 1-4)
• ELTR 310 - Programming Microcontrollers (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 314 - Advanced Measurements (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ELTR 414 - Advanced Digital Electronics (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)
• ENGL 090 - Developmental English (Cr. 4)
• ENGL 100 - College Composition and Mechanics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 101 - English Composition I (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 102 - English Composition II (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 104 - Freshman Composition I for International Students (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 200 - Introduction to the Study of Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 201 - Survey of English Literature I (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 202 - Survey of English Literature II (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 203 - Introduction to Literature I (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 204 - Introduction to Literature II (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 204H - Introduction to Literature II, Honors (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 221 - Classical Mythology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 253 - Introduction to Professional Writing Workshop (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 271 - Creative Writing Workshop (Poetry) (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 272 - Creative Writing Workshop (Fiction) (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 301 - Survey of American Literature I (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 302 - Survey of American Literature II (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 311 - Development of the American Novel (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 351 - Advanced English Grammar (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 353 - Professional Editing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 361 - Advanced English Composition (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 401 - World Literature: Oriental, Classical, Medieval and Renaissance (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 402 - World Literature: Enlightenment to Twentieth Century (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 410 - Research Practicum in English (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 417 - Comparative Mythology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 418 - Literature of Greece and Rome (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 421 - Shakespeare: Early Comedies and Histories (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 422 - Shakespeare: Tragedies and Late Comedies (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 425 - Topics in Medieval and Renaissance British Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 427 - Topics in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 430 - Topics in American Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 446 - Late Twentieth-Century Poetry (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 447 - Late Twentieth-Century Drama (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 448 - Late Twentieth-Century Fiction (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 449 - Graphic Novel (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 453 - Literary Criticism (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 455 - Critical Theory and Children’s Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 461 - Modern Poetry (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 462 - Modern Drama (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 463 - Modern Fiction (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 466 - Women in Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 470 - Seminar in Creative Writing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 475 - History of the English Language (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 481 - Louisiana Folklore (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 483 - Modern Grammar and Composition for Teachers (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 484 - Literature and Composition for Teachers (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 496 - Special Topics in Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 498 - Special Topics in Internships (Lab. 6, Cr. 3)
• ENGL 500 - Entrance into the Master of Arts Program
• ENGL 502 - Special Topics in Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)
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