Sep 24, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions

The courses listed below are all active courses in the course inventory. Students should refer to the Class Schedule or the appropriate academic department to inquire about course offerings.

  • MKTG 445 - International Marketing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Applies marketing tools in the context of competitive global environments with diverse and evolving national economies. Topics include product development, product pricing, marketing organization, foreign representation and distribution systems, promotion, advertising and sales, service and regulatory issues relating to international marketing. 

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 320.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MKTG 461 - Marketing Research (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Application of research techniques to marketing problems for business decisions. Research design and questionnaire construction; sampling, field work, tabulation, case analyses, and analysis and interpretation of data are emphasized.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): BADM 218, BADM 275, MKTG 320, and Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MKTG 480 - Marketing Management and Strategy (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    In-depth analysis of marketing management and strategy to coordinate and facilitate the multifaced marketing function and to integrate various marketing concepts and principles. Includes an in-depth analysis of current marketing management cases.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): BADM 218, 6 credit hours of MKTG, and Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MKTG 485 - Marketing Internship (Cr. 3)

    Structured program of work experience in marketing with a participating employer and a coordinator from the College of Business. Minimum of 150 hours of work experience is required for 3 hours of credit.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 310, MGMT 300, MKTG 320, Junior standing, and permission of department head.

    Cr. 3

    Field Experience 150 hours

  • MKTG 490 - Directed Research in Marketing (Cr. 3)

    Directed, independent study of selected topics in Marketing.

    For College of Business majors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 208, BADM 275, ECON 203, ECON 204, MKTG 320, Senior standing in major (at least 90 hours being applied to the degree), a cumulative and major GPA of at least 3.0, and permission of department head.

    Cr. 3

  • MKTG 620 - Marketing Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Concise evaluation of marketing concepts as a tool of management, with application of research techniques to problem solving.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of MBA director.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MKTG 625 - Professional Selling and Sales Management (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Analyzes revenue generation and revenue enhancement process through application of sales management techniques. Analysis includes: sales management and decision making for organizational success through application of strategic selling.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of MBA director.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MKTG 635 - International Marketing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Applies marketing tools in the context of competitive global environments with diverse and evolving national economies. Topics include: demand analysis, product development, product pricing, marketing organization, foreign representation and distribution systems, promotion, advertising and sales, service and regulatory issues relating to international marketing.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of MBA director.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MKTG 690 - Directed Research in Marketing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Individual study of advanced marketing topics.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of MBA director.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MLS 210 - Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science with an emphasis on ethics, laboratory careers, professionalism, medical terminology, safety, infection control, phlebotomy, specimen processing, general laboratory equipment, quality control, and laboratory math.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 210 and CLS 101, CLS 201L, CLS 210, or MEDT 210.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MLS 305 - Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics (Lec. 2, Cr. 2)

    Essential genetics for the clinical laboratory practitioner. Topics include: molecular, nucleic and amino acid structure, replication, transcription, and translation; modulation of gene expression: mutagenesis; genetic disorders, and genetic engineering. Special emphasis on relevant molecular techniques including: DNA renaturation, Southern and Northern blot analysis, and the polymerase chain reaction.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 225, BIOL 226, and CHEM 275.

    Lec. 2 Cr. 2

  • MLS 322 - Hematology and Urinalysis (Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4)

    Blood and urine physiology, analysis of cellular elements found in blood and urine, and the evaluation of diseases associated with abnormal findings in the blood and urine.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 322 and CLS 322 or MEDT 322.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 225 and BIOL 226.

    Lec. 3 Lab. 2 Cr. 4

  • MLS 324 - Clinical Diagnosis and Interpretation (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of the laboratory methods used to evaluate the physiochemical state of the body; including laboratory mathematics and quality assurance.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 324 and CLS 324 or MEDT 324.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 225 and BIOL 226.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MLS 330 - Immunohematology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Introduction to genetic theory of the human blood groups. Principles of donor screening, immunological testing for compatibility, testing for infectious agents, and record keeping in transfusion medicine.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 330 and CLS 330 or MEDT 330.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 225 and BIOL 226.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MLS 400 - Clinical Microbiology (Lec. 4, Cr. 4)

    Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of microorganisms as the causative agent of infectious diseases in humans while emphasizing the correlation of clinical laboratory data with the patient’s diagnosis and treatment.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 400 and CLS 400 or MEDT 400.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 4 Cr. 4

  • MLS 402 - Clinical Microbiology Laboratory (Lab. 9, Cr. 3)

    Incorporates applied theory, technique and clinical procedures used in the isolation, identification, and susceptibility testing of microorganisms while emphasizing the correlation of clinical laboratory data with the patient’s diagnosis and treatment.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 402 and CLS 402 or MEDT 402.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lab. 9 Cr. 3

  • MLS 404 - Clinical Parasitology and Mycology (Lec. 1, Cr. 1)

    Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of parasites, mold, and fungi to diagnose and treat patients.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 404 and CLS 404 or MEDT 404.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 1 Cr. 1

  • MLS 408 - Clinical Immunohematology (Lec. 4, Cr. 4)

    Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of the blood donor process, quality assurance programs, component therapy, and transfusion of blood products to treat patients.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 408 and CLS 408 or MEDT 408.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 4 Cr. 4

  • MLS 410 - Clinical Immunohematology Laboratory (Lab. 9, Cr. 3)

    Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the blood donor process, quality assurance programs, component therapy, and transfusion of blood products to treat patients.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 410 and CLS 410 or MEDT 410.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lab. 9 Cr. 3

  • MLS 412 - Clinical Chemistry (Lec. 4, Cr. 4)

    Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of biochemical mechanisms, including carbohydrate, renal, liver, cardiac, protein, pancreatic, and endocrine functions used to diagnose and treat patients.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 412 and CLS 412 or MEDT 412.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 4 Cr. 4

  • MLS 414 - Clinical Chemistry Laboratory (Lab. 9, Cr. 2)

    Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the analysis of biochemical mechanisms, including carbohydrate, renal, liver, cardiac, protein, pancreatic, and endocrine functions used to diagnose and treat patients.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 414 and CLS 414 or MEDT 414.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lab. 9 Cr. 2

  • MLS 416 - Clinical Hematology (Lec. 4, Cr. 4)

    Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of hematological mechanisms used to diagnose and treat diseases such as anemia, leukemia, and hemostasis disorders of patients with both acquired and hereditary defects.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 416 and CLS 416 or MEDT 416.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 4 Cr. 4

  • MLS 418 - Clinical Hematology Laboratory (Lab. 9, Cr. 2)

    Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the analysis of hematological mechanisms used to diagnose and treat diseases, such as anemia, leukemia, and hemostasis disorders.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 418 and CLS 418 or MEDT 418.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lab. 9 Cr. 2

  • MLS 420 - Clinical Molecular Diagnostics and Instrumentation (Lec. 1, Cr. 1)

    Essential genetics and molecular diagnostic methodologies for the medical laboratory scientist. Topics include DNA replication, principles of molecular biology, pharmacogenetics, genomes and nucleic acid variations; genetic disorders and their screening and diagnostic tests. Special emphasis on theory and application of relevant medical laboratory techniques and instrumentation, including spectrophotometry, electrophoresis, chromatography, immunochemical techniques, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Ligase-chain reaction (LCR), Northern Blot, and Southern Blot.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 420 and CLS 420 or MEDT 420.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 1 Cr. 1

  • MLS 421 - Clinical Immunology (Lec. 2, Cr. 2)

    Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of immunologically related disorders, including hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmune, immunoproliferative, and immunodeficiency disorders to diagnose and treat patients.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 2 Cr. 2

  • MLS 422 - Clinical Immunology Laboratory (Lab. 3, Cr. 1)

    Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the analysis of immunologically related disorders, including hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmune, immunoproliferative and immunodeficiency disorders to diagnose and treat patients.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 422 and CLS 422 or MEDT 422.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 1

  • MLS 424 - Clinical Urinalysis and Body Fluids (Lec. 2, Cr. 2)

    Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of urine and other body fluids, including cerebrospinal, seminal, synovial, serous, and amniotic, fluids used to diagnose and treat patients.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 424 and CLS 424 or MEDT 424.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 2 Cr. 2

  • MLS 426 - Clinical Urinalysis and Body Fluids Laboratory (Lab. 3, Cr. 1)

    Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the analysis of urine and other body fluids, including cerebrospinal, seminal, synovial, serous, and amniotic fluids used to diagnose and treat patients.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 426 and CLS 426 or MEDT 426.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 1

  • MLS 430 - Clinical Orientation and Phlebotomy (Lec. 1, Cr. 1)

    Incorporates advanced clinical procedures, proper techniques, and troubleshooting skills used in the collection of laboratory specimens, such as blood and urine, with an emphasis on professional appearance, communication, ethics, risk management, patient rights, and patient privacy.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 430 and CLS 430 or MEDT 430.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 1 Cr. 1

  • MLS 434 - Special Topics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Examines clinical laboratory management skills, cultural diversity, education, patient privacy, legal issues, accreditation standards, certification requirements, and employment opportunities. Students will review research designs and present their findings.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 434 and CLS 434 or MEDT 434.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into clinical internship.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MLS 442 - Diagnostic Microbiology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Evaluation of microorganisms as the causative agent of infectious diseases in humans.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 442 and CLS 442 or MEDT 442.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 201 or BIOL 211.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • MLS 445 - Medical Laboratory Procedures (Lab. 6, Cr. 2)

    Simulation of various medical laboratory procedures used in today’s medical laboratory, including dilutions, serology, blood banking, and microbiology.

    No duplicate credit for MLS 445 and CLS 445 or MEDT 445.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MLS 322 and MLS 330.

    Lab. 6 Cr. 2

  • MLS 446 - Directed Study (Lec. 1, Cr. 1)

    Individual investigation of topics in medical laboratory science.

    For medical laboratory science majors only. May be repeated to accrue a total of 3 credit hours.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department head.

    Lec. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 100 - Freshmen Performance Proficiency (Cr. 1-2)

    Designed for aspiring music majors who present little or no background in their chosen performance genre. The courses are intended to bring the student to the technical and musical level expected of an entering major.

    May be repeated to accrue a total of 4 credit hours. Credits for this course may not be applied toward a degree.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department head.

    Lab. 1-2 Cr. 1-2

  • MUAI 101 - Applied Instrument Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department head.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 102 - Applied Instrument Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 101.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 103 - Applied Instrument Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 102.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 104 - Applied Instrument Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 103.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 111 - Applied Instrument Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): (MUAI 102, MUAP 102, or MUAV 102) and permission of department head.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 112 - Applied Instrument Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 111.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 113 - Applied Instrument Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 112.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 114 - Applied Instrument Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 113.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 125 - Applied Instrument Study for Non-Music Majors (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for non-music majors.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 201 - Applied Instrument Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 102 and permission of department head.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 202 - Applied Instrument Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 201.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 203 - Applied Instrument Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 202.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 204 - Applied Instrument Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 203.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 211 - Applied Instrument Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 112.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 212 - Applied Instrument Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 211.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 213 - Applied Instrument Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 212.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 214 - Applied Instrument Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 213.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAI 301 - Applied Instrument Study: Music Education (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for students concentrating in music education.

    For students concentrating in music education only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 202 and permission of department head.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 302 - Applied Instrument Study: Music Education (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for students concentrating in music education.

    For students concentrating in music education only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 301.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 303 - Applied Instrument Study: Music Education (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for students concentrating in music education.

    For students concentrating in music education only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 302.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 304 - Applied Instrument Study: Music Education (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for students concentrating in music education.

    For students concentrating in music education only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 303.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 311 - Applied Instrument Study: Instrumental Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 202 and permission of department head.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAI 312 - Applied Instrument Study: Instrumental Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 311.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAI 313 - Applied Instrument Study: Instrumental Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 312.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAI 314 - Applied Instrument Study: Instrumental Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 313.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAI 401 - Applied Instrument Study: Music Education (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for students concentrating in music education.

    For students concentrating in music education only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 302 and permission of department head.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 402 - Applied Instrument Study: Music Education (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for students concentrating in music education.

    For students concentrating in music education only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 401.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 403 - Applied Instrument Study: Music Education (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for students concentrating in music education.

    For students concentrating in music education only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 402.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 404 - Applied Instrument Study: Music Education (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied instrumental instruction for students concentrating in music education.

    For students concentrating in music education only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 403.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAI 411 - Applied Instrument Study: Instrumental Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 312 and permission of department head.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAI 412 - Applied Instrument Study: Instrumental Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 411.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAI 413 - Applied Instrument Study: Instrumental Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 412.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAI 414 - Applied Instrument Study: Instrumental Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied instrumental instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAI 413.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAP 100 - Freshmen Performance Proficiency (Cr. 1-2)

    Designed for aspiring music majors who present little or no background in their chosen performance genre. The courses are intended to bring the student to the technical and musical level expected of an entering major.

    May be repeated to accrue a total of 4 credit hours. Credits for this course may not be applied toward a degree.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department head.

    Lab. 1-2 Cr. 1-2

  • MUAP 101 - Applied Piano Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department head.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAP 102 - Applied Piano Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 101.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAP 103 - Applied Piano Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 102.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAP 104 - Applied Piano Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 103.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAP 111 - Applied Piano Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied piano instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): (MUAI 102 or MUAV 102) and permission of department head.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAP 112 - Applied Piano Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied piano instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 111.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAP 113 - Applied Piano Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied piano instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 112.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAP 114 - Applied Piano Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied piano instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 113.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAP 125 - Applied Piano Study for Non-Music Majors (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied piano instruction for non-music majors.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAP 201 - Applied Piano Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 102 and permission of department head.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAP 202 - Applied Piano Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 201.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAP 203 - Applied Piano Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 202.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAP 204 - Applied Piano Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 203.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAP 211 - Applied Piano Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied piano instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 112.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAP 212 - Applied Piano Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied piano instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 211.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAP 213 - Applied Piano Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied piano instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 212.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAP 214 - Applied Piano Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied piano instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 213.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAP 311 - Applied Piano Study: Piano Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 202 and permission of department head.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAP 312 - Applied Piano Study: Piano Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 311.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAP 313 - Applied Piano Study: Piano Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 312.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAP 314 - Applied Piano Study: Piano Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 313.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAP 411 - Applied Piano Study: Piano Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 312 and permission of department head.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAP 412 - Applied Piano Study: Piano Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 411.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAP 413 - Applied Piano Study: Piano Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 412.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAP 414 - Applied Piano Study: Piano Performance (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Private applied piano instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAP 413.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • MUAV 100 - Freshmen Performance Proficiency (Cr. 1-2)

    Designed for aspiring music majors who present little or no background in their chosen performance genre. The courses are intended to bring the student to the technical and musical level expected of an entering major.

    May be repeated to accrue a total of 4 credit hours. Credits for this course may not be applied toward a degree.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department head.

    Lab. 1-2 Cr. 1-2

  • MUAV 101 - Applied Voice Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied vocal instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department head.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAV 102 - Applied Voice Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied vocal instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAV 101.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAV 103 - Applied Voice Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied vocal instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAV 102.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAV 104 - Applied Voice Study (Lab. 2, Cr. 2)

    Private applied vocal instruction.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAV 103.

    Lab. 2 Cr. 2

  • MUAV 111 - Applied Voice Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied vocal instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): (MUAI 102 or MUAP 102) and permission of department head.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1

  • MUAV 112 - Applied Voice Study: Secondary Instrument (Lab. 1, Cr. 1)

    Private applied vocal instruction as a secondary instrument.

    For music majors or minors only.

    Prerequisites / Corequisites
    Prerequisite(s): MUAV 111.

    Lab. 1 Cr. 1


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