Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Academic Catalog 
2013-2014 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions

  • ACCT 208 - Accounting Principles (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CACC 2113, Introduction to Financial Accounting

    Basic accounting and financial reporting concepts and the significance of accounting information in financial analysis and business decision-making.

    No duplicate credit for ACCT 206 and ACCT 208.

    Prerequisite: ENGL 101 (C or higher) and sophomore standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 241 - Managerial Accounting (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CACC 2213, Introduction to Managerial Accounting

    Use of accounting concepts, techniques, reports, analyses, and interpretations as an aid to management.

    May not be used for credit toward a degree in accounting.

    No duplicate credit for ACCT 341 and ACCT 241. No duplicate credit for ACCT 311 and ACCT 241 or ACCT 341.

    Prerequisites: ACCT 205 or ACCT 208.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 302 - Commercial Law (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Analysis of the law of contracts, sales, commercial paper, partnerships, security interests, bankruptcy, property, bailments, trusts and wills.

    No duplicate credit for ACCT 302 and BADM 302.

    Prerequisites: BADM 201,  ENGL 102 (C or higher), and MATH 130 (C or higher) or MATH 231 or STAT 231. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 305 - Intermediate Accounting I (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Intensive investigation of the theory and practice underlying the basic financial statements of business organizations.

    Prerequisites: ACCT 206 or ACCT 208 (C or higher), ENGL 102 (C or higher), and MATH 130 (C or higher) or MATH 231 or STAT 231. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 306 - Intermediate Accounting II (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Intensive investigation of the theory and practice underlying the basic financial statements of business organizations. j

    Prerequisite: ACCT 305 (C or higher). Junior Standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 311 - Cost (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CACC 3113, Cost Accounting (Upper Level)

    Cost accounting fundamentals; the use of cost information in management planning, control, and the decision process.

    No duplicate credit for ACCT 311 and ACCT 241 or ACCT 341.

    Prerequisites: ACCT 206 or ACCT 208. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 315 - Fundamentals of Taxation (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Taxes and their impact on individuals and businesses, with emphasis on federal and state income and payroll taxes.

    May not be used for credit toward a degree in accounting. No duplicate credit for ACCT 315 and ACCT 317.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 205 or ACCT 208 or permission of department head. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 317 - Income Tax (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CACC 3213, Tax I (Upper Level)

    Introduction to the Internal Revenue Code and basic federal income tax provisions with emphasis on individual income tax.

    No duplicate credit for ACCT 317 and ACCT 315.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 205 or ACCT 208. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 318 - Advanced Income Tax (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Federal income tax provisions of the Internal Revenue Code as they relate to estate and gift taxation; taxation of partnerships and partnership elections; income taxation of estates, trusts, and exempt entities; selected tax topics that are relevant to the taxation of these entities; and tax research methods.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 317. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 319 - Advanced Corporate Income Tax (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CACC 3223, Tax II (Upper Level)

    Federal income tax provisions of the Internal Revenue Code as they relate to C-Corporations, S-Corporations, and LLCs; selected tax topics that are relevant to the taxation of corporations; choice of entity and tax research methods.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 317. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 391 - Accounting Internship (Cr. 3)

    LCCN: N/A

    Structured program of work experience in accounting with a participating employer and a coordinator from College of Business. Minimum of 150 clock hours of work experience is required for each 3 hours credit.

    May be repeated one time with only 3 hours applying toward accounting degree. Open to Accounting majors only.

    Prerequisites: ACCT 305 (C or higher), 3.0 grade point average in the College of Business or permission of department head; department head’s approval is required for enrollment and content. Junior standing.

    Cr. 3

  • ACCT 405 - Advanced Accounting (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Business combinations and fundamentals of consolidated financial statements disclosures. Fundamentals of the accounting process for public sector organizations. Financial accounting for international activities and financial disclosure of international entities. Determination of entities’ reportable organization segments. Financial Accounting for partner-owned entities.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 306 (C or higher). Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Writing Enriched Course WE

  • ACCT 406 - Current Accounting Topics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Selected topics in accounting. May be repeated as topics vary to accrue a total of 6 credit hours.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 306. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 415 - Auditing Principles (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CACC 3313, Auditing (Upper Level)

    Nature and significance of the financial statement audit and the operational audit; auditing theory, practice, and procedures for manual and computerized accounting systems; audit programs and work papers; audit reports.

    Prerequisites: ACCT 306 (C or higher) and BADM 215 or MATH 231 or STAT 231. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 416 - Advanced Auditing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Auditing standards, professional ethics, auditor’s liability, auditing procedures, working papers, and reports; case studies in auditing.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 415. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 418 - Forensic and Investigative Accounting and Auditing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: N/A

    Various techniques and real-world issues related to forensic and investigative accounting, auditing, and fraud cases. Uncovering accounting crimes, courtroom procedures and litigation support, cyber crime, and fraud cases are discussed.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 306. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 423 - Internal Auditing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Internal auditing standards, ethics, concepts, audit techniques, and reporting practices.

    Prerequisites: ACCT 306. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 431 - Governmental Accounting (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Accounting, budgeting, fiscal processes and financial records of local, state, and federal governmental bodies and of other non-business organizations.

    Prerequisites: ACCT 206 or ACCT 208. Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 451 - Accounting Information Systems (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    System concepts and their application in the design, implementation, control, and audit of accounting information systems, including computerized systems.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 306 (C or higher). Junior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 461 - Intermediate Accounting III (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Intensive investigation of the theory and practice underlying the basic financial statements of business organizations.

    Prerequisite: ACCT 306 (C or higher). Junior Standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    Writing Enriched Course WE

  • ACCT 491 - Directed Study (Cr. 3)

    Individual study of advanced accounting topics. A formal written report is required.

    May be repeated once for additional credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the department head. Junior standing.

    Cr. 3

  • ACCT 602 - Financial Accounting Concepts (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Concepts and techniques underlying the basic financial statements; the financial statements from the viewpoint of managers and users.

    Prerequisites: Acceptance in a Graduate Degree program and permission of MBA Director.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 620 - Accounting Information for Decision Making (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Development and use of accounting and related information for management planning, control, and internal and external decision making.

    Prerequisites: ACCT 602 or its equivalent and permission of MBA Director.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 625 - Financial Accounting Disclosures (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Selected methods and quantitative procedures for disclosure in financial reporting from the viewpoint of management and users. The role of the independent audit in financial reporting.

    Prerequisites: ACCT 602 or its equivalent and permission of MBA Director.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 628 - Federal Taxes and Management Decisions (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Pragmatic approach to understanding the important tax consequences that attach to many common business transactions.

    Prerequisites:ACCT 602 or its equivalent and permission of MBA Director.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 629 - Asset/Equity Valuation (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Overview and understanding of the basic, intermediate, and advanced concepts and methodologies for valuing closely-held business and professional practices.

    Prerequisites: Completion of 15 hours of MBA core courses in addition to ACCT 625 and permission of MBA director. Restricted to Accounting concentration.


    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 630 - Corporate Reporting and Analysis (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Evaluation of traditional and proposed uses of report and information for decision making in investment, credit, and internal planning and control. Students are introduced to concepts and analytical techniques that can be used to critique and interpret the financial health of the organization. The course integrates research in the areas of accounting, quantitative methods, and finance which has proved useful in the financial analysis of organizations.

    Prerequisites: Completion of 15 hours of MBA core courses in addition to ACCT 625 and permission of MBA director. Restricted to Accounting concentration.


    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ACCT 691 - Directed Study (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Individual study of advanced accounting topics, including a research project under the direction of a member of the department graduate faculty. A formal written research report is required.

    Prerequisites: All foundation courses or their equivalents and permission of MBA Director.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGEC 201 - Introduction to Agricultural Economics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Role of agriculture in the national economy; the application of basic economic and sociological principles to agricultural production, marketing, consumption and policy.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGEC 301 - Marketing of Agricultural Products (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Marketing concepts and principles applied to agriculture, including the development and operation of the marketing system; analysis of market structure, organization and functions; demand and supply analysis; analysis of agricultural product prices and marketing costs.

    Prerequisites: AGEC 201, ECON 203.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGEC 302 - Agricultural Records and Accounts (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Practical approach to record-keeping and accounting procedures applicable to the farm firm, with emphasis on maintaining inventories, cash accounts, enterprise accounts and other types of records; the use of records in managing a farm business; income tax reporting for farmers.

    Prerequisites: AGEC 201, ACCT 206 or ACCT 208.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGEC 401 - Principles of Farm Management (Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Application of economic and management principles to the farm business, with emphasis on farm business organization, enterprise budgeting and cost-returns analysis.

    Prerequisite: AGEC 201 or permission of department head.

    Lab 3 Cr. 3

  • AGEC 402 - Agricultural Finance (Lec. 2, Lab.3, Cr. 3)

    Application of finance theory to capital and credit requirements of farms and other agribusiness firms; analysis of sources of funds, costs, terms, and risks involved in the use of agricultural credit.

    Prerequisites: AGEC 201 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab 3 Cr. 3

  • AGEC 404 - Grain Marketing (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Description and analysis of alternative marketing strategies available to grain producers; study of grain merchandising by middlemen; an examination of grain export opportunities.

    Prerequisite: AGEC 201.

    Lec. 2 Lab 3 Cr. 3

  • AGEC 431 - Livestock Marketing (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Application of marketing principles to the livestock and meat industry in the United States.

    No duplicate credit for AGEC 431 and ANSC 431.

    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGEC 451 - Special Problems in Agricultural Economics (Lab. 3-9, Cr. 1-3)

    Directed individual study of selected problems in agricultural economics.

    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and permission of department head.

    Lab. 3-9 Cr. 1-3

  • AGEN 302 - Shop (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Principles and practices involved in farm shops including, but not limited to, carpentry, engine mechanics and repairs, electrical, welding, and shop related activities.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGEN 311 - Surveying and Irrigation (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Measurements of distances and areas; differential leveling; profile leveling; topographic mapping, terracing; water measurement; irrigation water use and system capacity; irrigation water distribution.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGRI 100 - Varsity Rodeo (Lab. 9, Cr. 3)

    Participation in University Varsity Rodeo program.

    May be repeated for credit. Credit for this course may not be used to fulfill degree requirements.

    Prerequisite: Must be a member of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association or must have written permission of class instructor.

    Lab. 9 Cr. 3

  • AGRI 101 - Introduction to Plant Science (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)

    Principles and practices involved in the production and utilization of plants with emphasis on world food crops.

    No duplicate credit for AGRI 101 and AGRO 101.

    Lec. 3 Lab. 3 Cr. 4

  • AGRI 111 - Introduction to Agriculture (Lec. 1, Cr. 1)

    Overview of all agricultural disciplines with emphasis on opportunities and educational requirements.

    Lec. 1 Cr. 1

  • AGRI 340 - Junior Seminar (Lec. 1, Cr. 1)

    Evaluation of refereed publications, including review of literature and scientific methods and a critical analysis of results and discussion.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Lec. 1 Cr. 1

  • AGRI 401 - Agricultural Statistics (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)

    Application of statistical methods and techniques in the analysis and interpretation of agricultural data.

    Prerequisite: MATH 113.

    Lec. 3 Lab. 3 Cr. 4

  • AGRI 441 - Seminar (Lec. 1, Cr. 1)

    Capstone course. Both oral and written reports are required. Written examination will be given.

    Prerequisite: AGRI 340 and senior classification.

    Lec. 1 Cr. 1

    Capstone Course CAP
  • AGRI 461 - Agricultural Internship (Lab. 12, Cr. 6)

    Work experience for students desiring to enhance their knowledge of technical and scientific information as it applies to the production of agriculture commodities or other related activities.

    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission of the department head.

    Lab. 12 Cr. 6

  • AGRI 601 - Graduate Seminar (Cr. 1)

    Audio-visual presentations of the literature and current research in various fields of agronomy, animal science, range management, and wildlife management.

    Prerequisite: permission of department head.

    Cr. 1

  • AGRI 602 - Research (Lab. 3-9, Cr. 1-3)

    Individual research problems.

    May be repeated to accrue a maximum of 3 credit hours.

    Prerequisite: permission of department head.

    Lab. 3-9 Cr. 1-3

  • AGRI 603 - Selected Topics in Agriculture Science (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Selected topics in agricultural science such as force management, soil and plant fertility, animal nutrition, physiology, reproduction, and agricultural economics.

    May be repeated to accrue a total of 9 credit hours.

    Prerequisite: permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGRI 604 - Research Methods (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Investigations and discussions of the procedures used in agricultural research, including experimental design, data collection, preparation, and analysis of results.

    Prerequisite: Permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGRI 605 - Advanced Animal Nutrition (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    An advanced course dealing with the nutrition of domestic animals. Comprehensive overview of nutrients, nutrient metabolism, and nutrient requirements. Biochemical and physiological functions of nutrients in life processes.

    Prerequisite: Permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGRI 699 - Thesis (Lab. 3-9, Cr. 3-6)

    LCCN: N/A

    Student must register for the thesis course during each semester the thesis is in progress. Student must be enrolled in thesis the semester the thesis is completed and approved by the examining committee.

    May be repeated. However, only 6 hours credit will be applied to the Master of Science degree in Environmental and Chemical Sciences.

    Lab 3-9 Cr. 3-6

  • AGRO 201 - Forage Crops and Pastures (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of varieties, culture, adaptation, preservation, and management of plants useful for forage, meadows, and pastures, particularly those of the South.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGRO 301 - Soils (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)

    Fundamental principles of soil science. The physical and chemical properties of soils as related to plant growth.

    Prerequisites: 8 sem. hrs. in chemistry.

    Lec. 3 Lab. 3 Cr. 4

  • AGRO 312 - Small Grain Production (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Production aspects of rice, corn, sorghum and wheat.

    Prerequisite: AGRI 101 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGRO 313 - Soybean Production (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Soybean production procedures in Louisiana and other major U.S. producing areas.

    Prerequisite: AGRI 101 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGRO 331 - Agronomic Pest Control (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Integrated pest management systems and their use in crop production.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGRO 401 - Soil Fertility (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)

    Course dealing with the various factors associated with maintaining and improving soil fertility. Sources, manufacture, and utilization of plant nutrients.

    Prerequisite: AGRO 301 or permission of the department head.

    Lec. 3 Lab. 3 Cr. 4

  • AGRO 451 - Weed Control (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Weed problems encountered in the production of agronomic and horticultural crops, and the possibilities and potential problems involved in applying control measures to such problems.

    Prerequisite: 8 sem. hrs. in chemistry.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • AGRO 491 - Special Problems in Agronomy (Lab. 3-9, Cr. 1-3)

    Directed individual study of selected problems in Agronomy.

    Lab. 3-9 Cr. 1-3

  • AGRO 501 - Soil Fertility (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)

    Factors associated with maintaining and improving soil fertility. Sources, manufacture, and utilization of plant nutrients. Assignments in advanced academic content required. Research report and presentation required.

    Duplicate credit will not be given for AGRO 501 and AGRO 401.

    Prerequisite: permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Lab. 3 Cr. 4

  • ANSC 101 - General Animal Science (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)

    Introductory course designed to orient the student in the livestock and meat industry. Consideration given to market grades, classes, breeding, feeding, selection, and management of beef cattle, swine, sheep, and horses.

    Lec. 3 Lab. 3 Cr. 4

  • ANSC 102 - Introduction to Livestock Judging and Oral Reasons (Lab. 3, Cr. 1)

    Principles of live animal and carcass judging, including the procedure, organization, and delivery of oral and written reasons.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 1

  • ANSC 201 - Growth and Development of Farm Animals (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Growth and development of farm animals pertaining to current production practices within the livestock industry. Tissue and body growth, development, and composition: patterns of tissue deposition in livestock; control and modification of normal and abnormal growth.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and ANSC 101 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 202 - Training of the Pleasure Horse (Lec. 1, Lab. 4, Cr. 3)

    Theory and fundamentals of training of the pleasure horse.

    Lec. 1 Lab. 4 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 211 - Poultry Production (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Fundamental principles and practices of poultry production under Louisiana conditions.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 301 - Applied Animal Nutrition (Lec. 3, Lab. 3, Cr. 4)

    Application of nutritional concepts to the practical feeding of cattle, swine, sheep, poultry, horses, dogs, and cats. Emphasis on the nutritional value of feedstuffs, critical nutrient requirements, feed processing, ration formulation, and computer formulation of least-cost rations.

    Prerequisite: Completion of 3 hours of Mathematics and ANSC 201.

    Lec. 3 Lab. 3 Cr. 4

  • ANSC 302 - Animal Nutrition (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Role of nutrients in the metabolism of farm animals, nutrient utilization, and energy efficiency in production.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 101, CHEM 101 or CHEM 121, or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 303 - Nutrition of the Horse (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of the nutritional requirements of the light horse. Attention given to practical application. Formulation of rations for foals, brood mares, stallions, working horses, and pleasure horses.

    Prerequisite: ANSC 301 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 311 - Beef Cattle Production (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Systems of beef production, including the practical application of the principles of breeding, feeding, managing, and marketing beef cattle in the South.

    Prerequisite: ANSC 301 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 312 - Small Ruminant Production (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of management, nutrition, reproduction, genetics, marketing, economics, housing, health, and production record programs as they apply to small ruminant production systems. History of the U.S. sheep and goat industries will be explored, along with a study of wool production, marketing, and processing.

    Prerequisite: ANSC 201 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 321 - Swine Production (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Systems of swine production, including the practical applications of the principles of breeding, feeding, managing, and marketing swine in the South.

    Prerequisite: ANSC 301 or 302 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 331 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of the anatomy and physiology of the horse.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 341 - Livestock Selection and Evaluation (Lec. 1, Lab. 5, Cr. 3)

    Instruction in the selection and evaluation of beef cattle, sheep, swine, and horse. Ability to give accurate, clear and concise reasons.

    Prerequisite: ANSC 101 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 1 Lab. 5 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 342 - Advanced Livestock Selection and Evaluation (Lec. 3, Cr. 1)

    Continuation of ANSC 341 for those students seeking to gain proficiency in livestock selection and evaluation.

    Prerequisite: ANSC 341 or permission of department head.

    Lab. 3 Cr. 1

  • ANSC 351 - Horse Production (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Theory and practical work on the breeding, feeding, and management of horses.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 401 - Livestock Genetics (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Application of genetic principles to the improvement of domestic animals. Attention to systems of breeding and selection in meat animals and dairy cattle.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 101, CHEM 101 or CHEM 121 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 402 - Embryo Biotechnology in Domestic Animals and Humans (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Introduction to the procedures for manipulation of mammalian gametes in vitro and general biotechnology techniques with emphasis on laboratory embryo production, embryo grading, and embryo uterine synchrony.

    Prerequisites: ANSC 441 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 411 - Meat and Meat Products (Lec. 1, Lab. 4, Cr. 3)

    Course designed to orient the student in slaughtering, processing, and preservation of meats, meat identification, and the meat packing industry.

    Prerequisite: ANSC 101.

    Lec. 1 Lab. 4 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 422 - Parasites of Domestic Livestock (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of the internal and external parasites affecting domestic livestock. Special emphasis is given to life cycle, prevention, control, and eradication.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 423 - Diseases of Farm Animals (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Major diseases of farm animals with emphasis on symptoms and identification of diseases and on their control within a livestock management environment.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 431 - Livestock Marketing (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Application of marketing principles to the livestock and meat industry in the United States.

    No duplicate credit for ANSC 431 and AGEC 431.

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or permission of department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 441 - Physiology of Reproduction (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Physiological approach to reproductive processes in domestic animals. Study includes hormones; estrus cycle, ovulation, gestation, pregnancy tests; collection and storage of semen; and cause of sterility in males and females.

    Prerequisite: BIOL 101 or its equivalent.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 442 - Artificial Insemination of Cattle (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study and practical work in the collection, processing, and evaluation of bull semen; management of bulls; reproductive systems of cattle; pregnancy testing of cows; and techniques of insemination.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 443 - Equine Breeding (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Detailed study of principles involved in equine reproduction.

    No duplicate credit for ANSC 443 and ANSC 543.

    Prerequisite: ANSC 441 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 451 - Special Problems in Animal Science (Lab. 3-9, Cr. 1-3)

    Directed individual study of selected problems in the field of animal science.

    May be repeated for a maximum of three credit hours.

    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and permission of department head.

    Lab. 3-9 Cr. 1-3

  • ANSC 454 - Current Topics in Animal Science (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Designed to familiarize students with current problems facing the livestock industry. Topics may include animal rights/welfare, environmental issues, genetic engineering, meat safety, and public health concerns. Understanding societal concerns and ways to address these concerns.

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 456 - Animal Behavior (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Behavior of domestic and non-domestic animals with emphasis on the description, function, causation, and evolution of behavior.

    No duplicate credit for WMGT 456.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 501 - Livestock Genetics (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Application of the principles of genetics to the improvement of domestic animals. Research report and presentation required.

    Duplicate credit will not be given for ANSC 401 and ANSC 501.

    Prerequisites: permission of the department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 541 - Physiology of Reproduction (Lec. 2, Lab. 3, Cr. 3)

    Physiological approach to reproductive processes in domestic animals. Study includes hormones; estrus cycle, ovulation, gestation, pregnancy tests; collection and storage of semen and cause of sterility in males and females. Research report and presentation required.

    Duplicate credit will not be given for ANSC 441 and ANSC 541.

    Prerequisites: permission of the department head.

    Lec. 2 Lab. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 543 - Equine Breeding (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Detailed study of principles involved in equine reproduction.

    No duplicate credit for ANSC 543 and ANSC 443.

    Prerequisite: ANSC 441 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANSC 554 - Current Topics in Animal Science (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Current problems facing the livestock industry. May include animal rights/welfare, environmental issues, genetic engineering, meat safety, and public health concerns. Understanding societal concerns and ways to address these concerns. Assignments in advanced academic content required. Research report and presentation required.

    Duplicate credit will not be given for ANSC 554 and ANSC 454.

    Prerequisite: permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANTH 201 - Cultural Anthropology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CATR 2013, Cultural Anthropology

    Diversity of human cultures; nature of cultures, social organizations, subsistence patterns, economics, law, religion, language and other facets of culture in cross-cultural perspective.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    General Education Core Curriculum
    Social/Behavioral Sciences

  • ANTH 202 - Physical Anthropology: Origins of Mankind and Culture (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: CATR 2023, Biological Anthropology

    Origin and development of the human race; evolution and its physiological bases; human diversity; origin and development of human culture through the appearance of modern humans.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANTH 203 - Archaeology/Prehistory Origins of Society (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    LCCN: N/A

    Origins and evolution of society from the appearance of modern humans through the rise of civilization; development of agriculture, trade, cities, and states.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

    General Education Core Curriculum
    Social/Behavioral Sciences

  • ANTH 301 - Selected Topics in Anthropology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Study of a particular region or topic from an anthropological perspective.

    May be repeated as topics vary to accrue a total of 9 hours.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANTH 311 - The Native Americans (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Survey of the distribution and principal regional lifeways of the Indian tribes of the United States and Canada at the time of European contact.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANTH 321 - North American Prehistory (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Prehistory of North America (primarily the United States and Canada) from the earliest times to European contact.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANTH 331 - Anthropology of Religion (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Introduction to the system of behavior and belief known as religion, with emphasis on aspects of the system in traditional, non-western societies, such as Native American, African, and Asian. Examines ways of explaining supernatural phenomena that include such concepts as magic and witchcraft.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANTH 401 - Linguistics Research Methods (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Theoretical framwork and field methods used in language documentation.

    Prerequisite: HIST 302 or HIST 416 or HIST 417 or permission of department head.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3

  • ANTH 411 - Louisiana Indians from Prehistoric to Modern Times (Lec. 3, Cr. 3)

    Prehistory, ethnohistory, and current anthropology of the Indian peoples of Louisiana.

    No duplicate credit for ANTH 411 and ANTH 511.

    Lec. 3 Cr. 3


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