Oct 12, 2024  
2013-2014 Academic Catalog 
2013-2014 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Lether E. Frazar Memorial Library

Debbie Johnson-Houston, Director

The Library is named for the first president of McNeese State University. The collections and services of the Library are designed to complement the educational and research programs of the University.

The original building was erected in 1961. A four-story addition to the original structure was completed in 1974. A repair project will begin in Spring 2013.

For the latest information about the renovation, click the following link: Renovation Updates or call (337) 475-5716. Please note that the library has relocated to Parra Ballroom in the New Ranch, near the McNeese Bookstore.

Core Collection, General Book Collection, Journals, etc.


The Core collection is housed in Parra Ballroom; these are closed stack areas and are arranged by Library of Congress Subject Classification. Items not in the core collection will be pulled by library personnel twice a day, on weekdays. People needing items must complete the request for library materials form; these are available in the library lobby or at the service counter or online by clicking the following link: Library Materials Request Form.

The location of specific books may be determined by using the online public access catalog. Individuals borrowing books from the core or general collection must present an official university identification card or Friends of the Library card membership to an authorized person in the Circulation Department. Electronic books (e-books) are accessible through the Library’s online catalog and are checked out online.

Reserve Materials


Books and articles designated by faculty for reading by members of a class may be obtained from the Reserves section of the Circulation Department. The length of time that students may use reserve material is determined by the Instructor. In addition, study guides for standardized tests are also available for limited check-out periods. Individuals must present a university or Friends of the Library identification card to an authorized person in the Circulation Department.

Reference and Library Instruction Services


Personnel are available at the Parra Ballroom service desk to provide assistance to library users. Information service may range from providing a simple direction to a more complex search for information using library databases and other materials. The department contains several computer workstations for students to use for information and research needs.

The library catalog and many information databases covering all of the disciplines at McNeese are accessible from the library’s home page. Library patrons needing assistance in using these resources are welcome to visit the reference librarians at the reference desk, which is staffed during all library operating hours. Patrons may call, email, or send an instant message to reference librarians for assistance. The reference librarians are also available by appointment for personalized research assistance.

Reference librarians also conduct library instruction classes at the request of faculty. These sessions cover the use of the catalog to find print and electronic books; the use of databases to find scholarly journal articles and other types of materials; information evaluation; and academic integrity.

Interlibrary Loan Service


Through its Interlibrary loan service, the Library will borrow materials necessary for research if the material is not available on-site. Material borrowed through interlibrary loan is subject to the rules of the lending library. Requests can be submitted electronically. Services have been enhanced by an electronic delivery system for articles, a statewide union catalog, and a courier service.

General Information Services


The Government Information collection is accessible in Parra Ballroom. The Library is a selective federal depository for United States government information on various subjects. It is a complete depository for Louisiana documents and receives some publications of international, local, and regional governmental bodies. Federal, state, and international information is accessible in electronic formats. Holdings are listed in the Library’s online catalog and many items may be checked-out. Most of the information is also accessible in electronic format.

Periodicals Collection


Current issues of popular periodicals are on display in the library reception area. Unbound issues of current periodicals are accessible in Parra Ballroom upon request. Older bound periodicals and those on microfilm or microfiche held in Frazar Memorial Libary may be requested for retrieval using a special request form; please allow for sufficient retrieval time (typically one-half to one day). From the library’s website, full-text e-journals are accessible using the A to Z List. Indexes and abstracts for locating information in periodicals are available online through the library’s home page. Readers and printers for use with microforms are also available in the reception area.

Archives and Special Collections


The Archives and Special Collections Department maintains materials which reflect the history of McNeese, Lake Charles, and the Southwest Louisiana area. Materials include published resources, such as the McNeese Review, the Contraband, the Log, student theses, rare books, and local history books. The department also collects archival resources, including personal papers, business records, correspondence, photographic materials, audiovisual materials, works of art, and maps. The Department maintains an online digital library of images and other useful electronic resources.

On-Line Systems


The Library is a member of OCLC through its regional network, Lyrasis. OCLC is the largest on-line bibliographic utility in the world. It is capable of providing shared cataloging data and access to research collections nationally and internationally through Interlibrary Loan. As a charter member of the Louisiana Online University Information System (LOUIS), the library has an automated link to other academic libraries in the state. This alliance of academic, public, and school libraries provides patrons with access to on-line resources which include journal databases, the INTERNET, and holdings from other academic libraries in the state. Additional materials needed to support the university’s academic needs are purchased independently by the McNeese Library and are available in print or web-based formats. Patrons may now access LOUIS through the library Web site at http://library.mcneese.edu. Off-campus access to licensed resources is provided for the McNeese academic community (and other authorized users) through remote authentication.

Computer Lab


A TASC computer lab exclusively for students has been relocated to the Holbrook Lab located in the Old Ranch. Please consult the library’s website for hours of operation under the “Alternate Study Space” tab.


Friends of the Library


Membership in the Friends of the Library group is open to anyone. Friends are entitled to all Library privileges, such as interlibrary loan. Membership may be used as a means to place books in the collection in honor of or in memory of someone. Funds generated by Friends of the McNeese Library memberships sponsor special library activities such as readings, lectures, exhibits, and workshops. Friends receive special invitations to all library sponsored events.

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