Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Louisiana Common Course Numbers (LCCNs)

Some transfer articulation agreements exist between McNeese State University and other Louisiana public, postsecondary institutions. These agreements outline the correlation between McNeese courses and courses from other institutions. To aid students transferring within the state, the Louisiana Board of Regents and state institutions developed a master course articulation matrix, which can be viewed at https://www.laregents.edu/articulationandtransfer/.

Below are McNeese’s equivalents to the Louisiana Common Course Numbers (LCCNs).

Common Course Number Common Course Title McNeese Course Number
CACC 2113 Introduction to Financial Accounting ACCT 208  
CACC 2213 Introduction to Managerial Accounting ACCT 241  
CACC 3113 Cost Accounting (Upper Level) ACCT 311  
CACC 3213 Tax I (Upper Level) ACCT 317  
CACC 3223 Tax II (Upper Level) ACCT 319  
CACC 3313 Auditing (Upper Level) ACCT 415  
CART 1013 Exploring the Arts  ARTS 151  
CART 1023 Introduction to Visual Arts ART 251  
CART 1113 Art Structure/2-D Design ART 101  
CART 1123 3-D Design ART 245  
CART 2103 Art History I ART 261  
CART 2113 Art History II ART 262  
CART 2203 Beginning Drawing ART 217  
CART 2303 Color Theory ART 102  
Biological Sciences 
CBIO 1013 General Biology I BIOL 105  
CBIO 1023  General Biology II BIOL 106   
CBIO 1031 General Biology I Lab (Science Majors) BIOL 101L  
CBIO 1033 General Biology I (Science Majors) BIOL 101  
CBIO 1034 General Biology I Lec + Lab (Science Majors) BIOL 101  and BIOL 101L  
CBIO 1041 General Biology II Lab (Science Majors) BIOL 102L  
CBIO 1043 General Biology II (Science Majors) BIOL 102  
CBIO 1044 General Biology II Lec + Lab (Science Majors) BIOL 102  and BIOL 102L  
CBIO 2101 General Microbiology Lab BIOL 202L  
CBIO 2114 Microbiology for Nursing & Allied Health Lec + Lab  BIOL 201  
CBIO 2124 General Microbiology (Science Majors) Lec + Lab BIOL 211  
CBIO 2211 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab BIOL 224L 
CBIO 2214 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Lec + Lab) BIOL 225  
CBIO 2221 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab BIOL 227L 
CBIO 2224 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Lec + Lab) BIOL 226  
CBIO 2234 Comparative Anatomy Lec + Lab BIOL 250  
CBIO 2703 Nutrition NFSC 131  
CBIO 3401 Biochemistry I Lab (Upper Level) CHEM 421L  
CBIO 3403 Biochemistry I (Upper Level) CHEM 421  
CBIO 3521 Genetics Lab (Upper Level) BIOL 314L 
CBIO 3524 Genetics Lec + Lab (Upper Level) BIOL 315  
CBIO 3643 Evolutional Biology BIOL 339  
CBIO 4143 Cell Biology (Upper Level) BIOL 414  
CBIO 4413 Biochemistry II (Upper Level) CHEM 422  
CBIO 4523 Immunology BIOL 434  
CBIO 4534 Molecular Biology (Lec + Lab) BIOL 401  
CBUS 1003 General/Introduction to Business Administration BADM 120  
CBUS 2003 Legal Environment BADM 201  
CBUS 2203 Computer Applications CSCI 241   
CCEM 1003 General, Organic & Biochemistry CHEM 120  
CCEM 1013 General Chemistry Survey I   
CCEM 1121 Chemistry I Lab (Science Majors) CHEM 103L  
CCEM 1124 Chemistry I Lec + Lab (Science Majors) CHEM 101  
CCEM 1131 Chemistry II Lab (Science Majors) CHEM 104L  
CCEM 1132 Chemistry I+II Lab (Science Majors) CHEM 103L  and CHEM 104L  
CCEM 1134 Chemistry II Lec + Lab (Science Majors) CHEM 102  
CCEM 2203 Organic Chemistry, Survey CHEM 211  
CCOM 1113 Introduction to Mass Media MCOM 131  
CCOM 2013 Public Speaking COMM 201  
CCOM 2213 Interpersonal Communication COMM 205  
Criminal Justice
CCRJ 1013 Introduction to Criminal Justice CJUS 111  
CCRJ 2013 Introduction to Corrections CJUS 241  
CCRJ 2113 Criminology CJUS 231  
CCRJ 2213 Criminal Law CJUS 252  
CCRJ 2313 Introduction to Policing CJUS 271  
CECO 4124 Principles of Ecology Lec + Lab (Upper Level) BIOL 410  
CECN 2213 Macroeconomics ECON 204  
CECN 2223 Microeconomics ECON 203  
CECN 3113 Money, Banking & the Economy (Upper Level) ECON 325  
CEDU 1013 Foundations in Multicultural Education EDUC 203  
CENL 1013 English Composition I ENGL 101  
CENL 1023 English Composition II  ENGL 102   
CENL 2103 British Literature I  ENGL 201  
CENL 2113 British Literature II ENGL 202  
CENL 2303 Introduction to Fiction ENGL 203  
CENL 2313 Introduction to Poetry and/or Drama ENGL 204  
CENL 2323 Introduction to Literature   
CENL 2413 Introduction to Women’s Literature WMST 201  
CENL 2503 Mythology or Folklore ENGL 221  
CENL 2513 Foundations of Professional Writing (Lower Level) ENGL 253  
CENL 2523 Creative Writing (Various Genres) ENGL 271  or ENGL 272  
Environmental Sciences 
CEVS 1103 Environmental Science ENSC 101  
CFIN 3113 Principles of Business Finance (Upper Level) FIN 310  
CFRN 1013 Elementary French I FREN 101  
CFRN 1014 Elementary French I FREN 101  and FREN 1XX (1 credit)
CFRN 1023 Elementary French II  FREN 102  
CFRN 1024 Elementary French II FREN 102  and FREN 1XX (1 credit)
CFRN 2013 Intermediate French I  FREN 201  
CFRN 2014 Intermediate French I FREN 201  and FREN 2XX (1 credit)
CFRN 2023  Intermediate French II  FREN 202  
CFRN 2026 Intermediate French I+II  FREN 201  and FREN 202  
CGRG 2013 Human Geography GEOG 211  
Geology and Earth Sciences 
CGEO 1103 Physical Geology GEOL 101  
CGEO 1113 Historical Geology GEOL 102  
CGRM 1013 Elementary German I GERM 101  
CGRM 1014 Elementary German I GERM 101  and GERM 1XX (1 credit)
CGRM 1023 Elementary German II GERM 102  
CGRM 1024 Elementary German II GERM 102  and GERM 1XX (1 credit)
Health Studies
CHLT 1103 Medical Terminology NRHP 100  
CHIS 1013 Western Civilization I HIST 101  
CHIS 1023 Western Civilization II HIST 102  
CHIS 1113 World Civilization I HIST 121  
CHIS 1123 World Civilization II HIST 122  
CHIS 2013 American History I HIST 201  
CHIS 2023 American History II HIST 202  
CLTN 1013 Elementary Latin I LATN 101  
CLTN 1014 Elementary Latin I LATN 101  and LATN 1XX (1 credit)
CLTN 1023 Elementary Latin II LATN 102  
CLTN 1024 Elementary Latin II LATN 102  and LATN 1XX (1 credit)
CLTN 1026  Elementary Latin I+II LATN 101  and LATN 102  
CLTN 2013 Intermediate Latin I  LATN 201  
CLTN 2023  Intermediate Latin II  LATN 202  
CMGM 3013 Management Information Systems BADM 374  
CMGM 3103 Principles of Management (Upper Level) MGMT 300  
CMGM 3213 Production & Operations (Upper Level) MGMT 370  
CMGM 3313 Human Resource Managament (Upper Level) MGMT 310  
CMGM 3513 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Upper Level)  ENTR 304  
CMGM 4103 Organizational Behavior (Upper Level) MGMT 330  
CMKT 3003 Princples of Marketing (Upper Level) MKTG 320  
CMKT 3103 Retail Management MKTG 351  
CMKT 3203 Personal/Professional Selling (Upper Level) MKTG 380  
CMAT 1103 Contemporary Mathematics   
CMAT 1213 College Algebra                 MATH 113   
CMAT 1223 Trigonometry MATH 175  
CMAT 1235 Algebra and Trigonometry (5 Credits) MATH 177  
CMAT 1236 Algebra and Trigonometry (6 Credits) MATH 113  and MATH 175  
CMAT 1303 Introductory Statistics  STAT 231  
CMAT 1313 Finite Mathematics MATH 130  
CMAT 2114 Calculus I MATH 190  
CMAT 2124 Calculus II  MATH 291  
CMUS 1013 Music Appreciation MUSC 215  
CPHL 1013 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 201  
CPHL 2113 Introduction to Logic PHIL 102  
CPHY 1023 Physical Science I PHSC 101  
CPHY 2111 Physics I Lab (Algebra/Trigonometry Based) PHYS 205  
CPHY 2113 Physics I (Algebra/Trigonometry Based) PHYS 201  
CPHY 2114 Physics I (Algebra/Trigonometry Based) Lec + Lab PHYS 201  and PHYS 205  
CPHY 2121 Physics II Lab (Algebra/Trigonometry Based) PHYS 206  
CPHY 2123 Physics II (Algebra/Trigonometry Based) PHYS 202  
CPHY 2124 Physics II (Algebra/Trigonometry Based) Lec + Lab PHYS 202  and PHYS 206  
CPHY 2133 Physics I (Calculus Based) PHYS 211  
CPHY 2153 Physics III (Calculus Based) PHYS 212  
Political Science 
CPOL 2013 Introduction to American Government POLS 201  
CPSY 2013 Introduction to Psychology PSYC 101  
CPSY 2113 Developmental Psychology PSYC 233  
CPSY 2213 Adolescent Psychology   
CPSY 2313 Child Psychology   
CREL 2213 World Religions RELS 201  
CSOC 2013 Introduction to Sociology SOCL 201  
CSOC 2113 Social Problems SOCL 211  
CSOC 3013 Sociological Theory SOCL 411  
CSPN 1013 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101  
CSPN 1014 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101  and SPAN 1XX (1 credit)
CSPN 1023 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 102  
CSPN 1024 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 102  and SPAN 1XX (1 credit)
CSPN 1026 Elementary Spanish I+II SPAN 101  and SPAN 102  
CSPN 2013 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 201  
CSPN 2014 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 201  and SPAN 2XX (1 credit)
CSPN 2023 Intermediate Spanish II   SPAN 202  
CSPN 2026 Intermediate Spanish I+II SPAN 201  and SPAN 202  
CTHE 1013 Introduction to Theatre THEA 161  
CTHE 2103 Acting I THEA 171  
CTHE 2113 Acting II THEA 295  
CTHE 2203 Voice for the Stage  THEA 212  
CTHE 2303 Stagecraft  THEA 191 , THEA 261 , or THEA 291  

Updated 02/14/2024