MKTG 690 - Directed Research in Marketing (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Individual study of advanced marketing topics.
Prerequisite: Permission of MBA Director.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MLS 210 - Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science with an emphasis on ethics, laboratory careers, professionalism, medical terminology, safety, infection control, phlebotomy, specimen processing, general laboratory equipment, quality control, and laboratory math.
Notes No duplicate credit will be given for CLS 101 and CLS 201L. (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MLS 305 - Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics (Lec. 2, Cr. 2) Essential genetics for the clinical laboratory practitioner. Topics include: molecular, nucleic and amino acid structure, replication, transcription, and translation; modulation of gene expression: mutagenesis; genetic disorders, and genetic engineering. Special emphasis on relevant molecular techniques including: DNA renaturation, Southern and Northern blot analysis, and the polymerase chain reaction.
Prerequisites: BIOL 225, BIOL 226, and CHEM 275.
Lec. 2 Cr. 2
MLS 322 - Hematology and Urinalysis (Lec. 3, Lab. 2, Cr. 4) Blood and urine physiology, analysis of cellular elements found in blood and urine, and the evaluation of diseases associated with abnormal findings in the blood and urine.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: BIOL 225 and BIOL 226.
Lec. 3 Lab. 2 Cr. 4
MLS 324 - Clinical Diagnosis and Interpretation (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Study of the laboratory methods used to evaluate the physiochemical state of the body; including laboratory mathematics and quality assurance.
Notes No duplicate credit for MLS 324 and CLS 324 or MEDT 324.
Prerequisites: BIOL 225 and BIOL 226.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MLS 330 - Immunohematology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Introduction to genetic theory of the human blood groups. Principles of donor screening, immunological testing for compatibility, testing for infectious agents, and record keeping in transfusion medicine.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisites: BIOL 225 and BIOL 226.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MLS 400 - Clinical Microbiology (Lec. 4, Cr. 4) Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of microorganisms as the causative agent of infectious diseases in humans while emphasizing the correlation of clinical laboratory data with the patient’s diagnosis and treatment.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 4 Cr. 4
MLS 402 - Clinical Microbiology Laboratory (Lab. 9, Cr. 3) Incorporates applied theory, technique and clinical procedures used in the isolation, identification, and susceptibility testing of microorganisms while emphasizing the correlation of clinical laboratory data with the patient’s diagnosis and treatment.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lab. 9 Cr. 3
MLS 404 - Clinical Parasitology and Mycology (Lec. 1, Cr. 1) Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of parasites, mold, and fungi to diagnose and treat patients.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 1 Cr. 1
MLS 408 - Clinical Immunohematology (Lec. 4, Cr. 4) Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of the blood donor process, quality assurance programs, component therapy, and transfusion of blood products to treat patients.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 4 Cr. 4
MLS 410 - Clinical Immunohematology Laboratory (Lab. 9, Cr. 3) Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the blood donor process, quality assurance programs, component therapy, and transfusion of blood products to treat patients.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lab. 9 Cr. 3
MLS 412 - Clinical Chemistry (Lec. 4, Cr. 4) Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of biochemical mechanisms, including carbohydrate, renal, liver, cardiac, protein, pancreatic, and endocrine functions used to diagnose and treat patients.
Notes No duplicate credit for MLS 412 and CLS 412 or MEDT 412.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 4 Cr. 4
MLS 414 - Clinical Chemistry Laboratory (Lab. 9, Cr. 2) Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the analysis of biochemical mechanisms, including carbohydrate, renal, liver, cardiac, protein, pancreatic, and endocrine functions used to diagnose and treat patients.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lab. 9 Cr. 2
MLS 416 - Clinical Hematology (Lec. 4, Cr. 4) Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of hematological mechanisms used to diagnose and treat diseases such as anemia, leukemia, and hemostasis disorders of patients with both acquired and hereditary defects.
Notes No duplicate credit for MLS 416 and CLS 416 or MEDT 416.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 4 Cr. 4
MLS 418 - Clinical Hematology Laboratory (Lab. 9, Cr. 2) Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the analysis of hematological mechanisms used to diagnose and treat diseases, such as anemia, leukemia, and hemostasis disorders.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lab. 9 Cr. 2
MLS 420 - Clinical Molecular Diagnostics and Instrumentation (Lec. 1, Cr. 1) Essential genetics and molecular diagnostic methodologies for the medical laboratory scientist. Topics include DNA replication, principles of molecular biology, pharmacogenetics, genomes and nucleic acid variations; genetic disorders and their screening and diagnostic tests. Special emphasis on theory and application of relevant medical laboratory techniques and instrumentation, including spectrophotometry, electrophoresis, chromatography, immunochemical techniques, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Ligase-chain reaction (LCR), Northern Blot, and Southern Blot.
Notes No duplicate credit for MLS 420 and CLS 420 or MEDT 420.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 1 Cr. 1
MLS 421 - Clinical Immunology (Lec. 2, Cr. 2) Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of immunologically related disorders, including hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmune, immunoproliferative, and immunodeficiency disorders to diagnose and treat patients.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 2 Cr. 2
MLS 422 - Clinical Immunology Laboratory (Lab. 3, Cr. 1) Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the analysis of immunologically related disorders, including hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmune, immunoproliferative and immunodeficiency disorders to diagnose and treat patients.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lab. 3 Cr. 1
MLS 424 - Clinical Urinalysis and Body Fluids (Lec. 2, Cr. 2) Advanced concepts in the theory, practical application, and evaluation of urine and other body fluids, including cerebrospinal, seminal, synovial, serous, and amniotic, fluids used to diagnose and treat patients.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 2 Cr. 2
MLS 426 - Clinical Urinalysis and Body Fluids Laboratory (Lab. 3, Cr. 1) Incorporates applied theory, technique, and clinical procedures used in the analysis of urine and other body fluids, including cerebrospinal, seminal, synovial, serous, and amniotic fluids used to diagnose and treat patients.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lab. 3 Cr. 1
MLS 430 - Clinical Orientation and Phlebotomy (Lec. 1, Cr. 1) Incorporates advanced clinical procedures, proper techniques, and troubleshooting skills used in the collection of laboratory specimens, such as blood and urine, with an emphasis on professional appearance, communication, ethics, risk management, patient rights, and patient privacy.
Notes No duplicate credit for MLS 430 and CLS 430 or MEDT 430.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 1 Cr. 1
MLS 434 - Special Topics (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Examines clinical laboratory management skills, cultural diversity, education, patient privacy, legal issues, accreditation standards, certification requirements, and employment opportunities. Students will review research designs and present their findings.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into clinical internship.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MLS 442 - Diagnostic Microbiology (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Evaluation of microorganisms as the causative agent of infectious diseases in humans.
Notes (No duplicate credit will be given for MEDT and CLS courses of the same number.)
Prerequisite: MBIO 201 or BIOL 211.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
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MLS 445 - Medical Laboratory Procedures (Lab. 6, Cr. 2) Simulation of various medical laboratory procedures used in today’s medical laboratory, including dilutions, serology, blood banking, and microbiology.
Notes No duplicate credit for MLS 445 and CLS 445 or MEDT 445.
Prerequisites: MLS 322 and MLS 330.
Lab. 6 Cr. 2
MLS 446 - Directed Study (Lec. 1, Cr. 1) Individual investigation of topics in medical laboratory science.
Notes Open to Medical Laboratory Science students only. May be repeated to accrue a total of 3 credit hours.
Prerequisite: Permission of department head.
Lec. 1 Cr. 1
MUED 226 - Introduction to Music Education in a Diverse Society (Lec. 3, Lab. 1, Cr. 3) Music education program in the multicultural classroom. Historical, philosophical, and aesthetic foundations of music education, and fundamental principles of teaching, learning, organization, child abuse regulations, and administration in a diverse setting. Directed observation, practical experience and oral critiques: 15 hours required.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUED 226 and EDUC 226.
Prerequisite: EDUC 204.
Lec. 3 Lab. 1 Cr. 3
MUED 303 - Integrating Music into the Elementary Classroom (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Fundamentals of music together with methods and procedures for presenting music to the elementary school child.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUED 303 and MUSC 303.
Prerequisite: ENGL 102.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUED 320 - Teaching Music in Elementary School for Diverse Learners, Grades K-5 (Lec. 3, Lab.1, Cr. 3) Overview of curriculum, methods, materials, activities, and teaching techniques in elementary music education, including diverse learning characteristics. Grades K-5.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUED 320 and MUED 237, MUED 238, or MUED 325.
Prerequisite: EDUC 200 and MUED 226.
Lec. 3 Lab. 1 Cr. 3
Field Experience 15 hours
MUED 324 - Teaching Instrumental Music in Secondary School, Grades 6-12 (Lec. 3, Lab. 1, Cr. 3) Curriculum, methods, materials, activities, and teaching techniques used in secondary instrumental music education, grades 6-12.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUED 324 and MUED 327 or MUED 328.
Prerequisite: EDUC 200 and MUED 320.
Lec. 3 Lab. 1 Cr. 3
MUED 326 - Teaching Vocal Music in Secondary School, Grades 6-12 (Lec. 3, Lab. 1, Cr. 3) Curriculum, methods, materials, activities, and teaching techniques used in secondary vocal music education, grades 6-12.
Prerequisites: EDUC 200 and MUED 320.
Lec. 3 Lab. 1 Cr. 3
MUED 411 - Teaching Band and Orchestra Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Survey and analysis of instrumental music for large and small wind bands and orchestras of all types and levels.
Prerequisites: MUSC 308.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUED 414 - Teaching Choral Literature (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Survey and analysis of choral music for large and small ensembles of all types and levels
Prerequisite: MUSC 308.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUED 418 - Workshop in Kodály Techniques I: Solfege/Conducting (Cr. 3) Concepts and techniques of the Kodály system of teaching music in grades K-1, including Kodály solfege, conducting, and choir.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUED 418 and MUED 518, MUED 618, or MUSC 618.
Prerequisite: Permission of department head. Corequisite: MUED 428.
Cr. 3
MUED 425 - Classroom Management and Organization in the Elementary/Secondary Music Education Classroom and Field Experience (Lec. 2, Lab. 2, Cr. 3) Classroom management and organization of the music program including curriculum and physical environment. Observation and teaching music in the instrumental or vocal classroom setting: 60 hours required.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUED 425 and MUED 422.
Prerequisite: MUED 324 or MUED 326; functional performance ability on one wind, string, or percussion instrument or in voice as appropriate to the area of concentration, demonstrated through completed course work or diagnostic testing; pedagogical skill sufficient to teach effective use of wind, string, and percussion instruments or the voice, as appropriate to the area concentration, demonstrated through completed course work or diagnostic testing.
Lec. 2 Lab. 2 Cr. 3
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MUED 428 - Workshop in Kodály Techniques I: Research/Methodology (Cr. 3) Concepts and techniques of the Kodály system of teaching music in grades K-1, including folk song research and analysis, and methodology with emphasis on lesson planning.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUED 428 and MUED 528, MUED 628, or MUSC 628.
Prerequisite: Permission of department head. Corequisite: MUED 418.
Cr. 3
MUED 442 - Directed Observation and Student Teaching (Cr. 9 or 12) Minimum of 270 clock hours in student teaching with at least 180 of these in actual teaching and substantial portion of the 180 hours in teaching on an all-day basis.
Prerequisite: EDUC 200; completion of all methods courses with the grade of “C” or higher and passage of the Music Discipline and PLT components of the Praxis. Permission from director of Student Teaching and Professional Education Services (ST/PES).
Cr. 9 or 12
MUED 518 - Workshop in Kodály Techniques I: Solfege/Conducting (Cr. 3) Concepts and techniques of the Kodály system of teaching music in grades K-1, including Kodály solfege, conducting, and choir. Independent advanced conducting projects required.
Notes No more than a total of 3 credit hours of MUED 518 and MUED 528 may be used to fulfill degree requirements. No duplicate credit for MUED 518 and MUED 418, MUED 618, or MUSC 618.
Prerequisite: concurrent registration in MUED 528.
Cr. 3
MUED 528 - Workshop in Kodály Techniques I: Research/Methodology (Cr. 3) Concepts and techniques of the Kodály system of teaching in grades K-1, including folk song research and analysis, and methodology with emphasis on lesson planning.
Notes No more than a total of 3 credit hours of MUED 518 and MUED 528 may be used to fulfill degree requirements. No duplicate credit for MUED 428, MUSC 428, MUED 628, or MUSC 628.
Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in MUED 518.
Cr. 3
MUED 619 - Workshop in Kodály Techniques II: Solfege/Conducting (Cr. 3) Concepts and techniques of the Kodály system of teaching music in grades 2-3, including Kodály solfege, conducting, and choir.
Notes No more than 3 hours of MUED 619 and 629 may be used to fulfill degree requirements. No duplicate credit for MUED 619 and MUSC 619.
Prerequisite: MUED 618, MUED 628, and concurrent registration in MUED 629.
Cr. 3
MUED 620 - Workshop in Kodály Techniques III: Solfege/Conducting (Cr. 3) Concepts and techniques of the Kodály system of teaching music in grades 4-5, including Kodály solfege, conducting, and choir.
Notes No more than a total of 3 hours of MUED 620 and MUED 630 may be used to fulfill degree requirements. No duplicate credit for MUED 620 and MUSC 620.
Prerequisite: MUED 619, MUED 629, and concurrent enrollment in MUED 630.
Cr. 3
MUED 629 - Workshop in Kodály Techniques II: Research/Methodology (Cr. 3) Concepts and techniques of the Kodály system of teaching music in grades 2-3, including folk song research and analysis, and methodology with emphasis on lesson planning.
Notes No more than a total of 3 hours of MUED 629 and MUED 619 may be used to fulfill degree requirements. No duplicate credit for MUED 629 and MUSC 629.
Prerequisites: MUED 618, MUED 628, with MUED 619 corequisite.
Cr. 3
MUED 630 - Workshop in Kodály Techniques III: Research/Methodology (Cr. 3) Concepts and techniques of the Kodály system of teaching music in grades 4-5, including folk song research and analysis, and methodology with emphasis on lesson planning.
Notes No more than a total of 3 hours of MUED 630 and MUED 620 may be used to fulfill degree requirements. No duplicate credit for MUED 630 and MUSC 630.
Prerequisites: MUED 619, MUED 629, and concurrent registration in MUED 620.
Cr. 3
MUSC 100 - Fundamentals of Music (Lec. 2, Cr. 2) Designed to help the beginning music student or those students with limited background in music theory. Focuses on the basic elements of music, including notation, rhythm, scales, key signatures, intervals, and chords.
Prerequisite: Permission of department head.
Lec. 2 Cr. 2
MUSC 101 - Music Theory I (Lec. 2, Lab. 1, Cr. 2) Fundamentals of notation, basic materials of diatonic music, basic analysis techniques, elementary melodic composition, and four-part chorale and keyboard style composition. Music notation software for use in assignments and composition projects.
Notes Computer laboratory orientation.
Prerequisite: MUSC 100 or passing grade on the Theory Diagnostic Test. Corequisite: MUSC 101L.
Lec. 2 Lab. 1 Cr. 2
MUSC 101L - Ear Training/Sight Singing I (Lab. 2, Cr. 1) Solfeggio system, ear training and sight singing in elementary tonal music, single melodic line dictation and error detection, simple improvisation techniques vocally and/or on student’s major instrument, and music dictation and drill software.
Notes Computer laboratory orientation.
Prerequisite: Corequisite: MUSC 101.
Lab. 2 Cr. 1
MUSC 102 - Music Theory II (Lec. 2, Lab. 1, Cr. 2) Continuation of the principles and materials of diatonic music including analysis of compositions in various genre, single and two-part melodic composition and four-part chorale and keyboard style composition. Use of higher order notation software in writing assignments and composition. Computer laboratory projects required.
Prerequisite: MUSC 101, MUSC 101L; Corequisite: MUSC 102L.
Lec. 2 Lab. 1 Cr. 2
MUSC 102L - Ear Training/Sight Singing II (Lab. 2, Cr. 1) Solfeggio system applied to diatonic music and related non-harmonic tones; ear training in diatonic vocabulary including single melodic line, two-part, and simple four-part dictation and error detection; improvisation techniques vocally and/or on student’s major instrument. Music dictation and drill software. Computer laboratory assignments and projects required.
Prerequisite: MUSC 101, MUSC 101L; Corequisite: MUSC 102.
Lab. 2 Cr. 1
MUSC 121 - Beginning Class Piano for Non-Music Majors (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Beginning group instruction in piano for non-music majors.
Notes Open to non-music majors.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 123 - Beginning Guitar Chording for Non-Music Majors (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Beginning group instruction in guitar chording for non-music majors.
Notes Open to non-music majors.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 128 - Diction for Singers I (Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1) Phonetic alphabet and its application to lyric diction in Italian and Latin.
Lec. 1 Lab. 1 Cr. 1
MUSC 129 - Diction for Singers II (Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1) Phonetic alphabet and its application to lyric diction in German and French.
Notes Open to Music-Music Education-Vocal Grades K-12 Concentration, Music-Performance-Voice Concentration, and Music [Voice] minor students only.
Lec. 1 Lab. 1 Cr. 1
MUSC 131 - Beginning Class Voice for Non-Music Majors (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Course for non-music majors designed to teach the fundamental principles of singing, breath control, tone production, diction, and the use of song material.
Notes Open to non-music majors.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 135 - Beginning Classical Guitar for Non-Music Majors (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Group instruction in beginning classical guitar techniques and repertoire.
Notes Open to non-music majors.
Prerequisite: MUSC 123 or permission of department head.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 136 - Intermediate Classical Guitar for Non-Music Majors (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Group instruction in intermediate classical guitar techniques and repertoire.
Notes Open to non-music majors.
Prerequisite: MUSC 135.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 137 - Beginning Violin Class for Non-Music Majors (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Group instruction in beginning violin techniques and repertoire.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 190 - Recitals and Concerts (Lab. 2, Cr. 0) Performance practices and literature learned through participation in weekly performance seminar.
Notes Required of all full-time undergraduate music majors until 6 consecutive semesters are accrued. Students completing the course will be awarded a grade of “S” (Satisfactory) or “U” (Unsatisfactory).
Lab. 2 Cr. 0
MUSC 200 - Admission to Upper-Division Major Performance Study (Cr. 0) Majors in any performance degree concentration must successfully pass an admission to upper-division major performance study board.
Notes Normally undertaken at conclusion of semester enrolled in 202-level major performance study. Awarded a grade of “S” (Satisfactory) or “U” (Unsatisfactory).
Cr. 0
MUSC 201 - Advanced Music Theory I (Lec. 2, Lab. 1, Cr. 2) Principles and materials of chromatic tonal music including analysis of chromatic compositions in various genre, two- and three- art advanced melodic composition, advanced four-part chorale and keyboard style composition. Continued use of higher order notation software in writing assignments and composition. Computer laboratory projects required.
Prerequisite: MUSC 102, MUSC 102L; Corequisite: MUSC 201L.
Lec. 2 Lab. 1 Cr. 2
MUSC 201L - Advanced Ear Training/Sight Singing I (Lab. 2, Cr. 1) Mastery of solfeggio system in the diatonic vocabulary; classical and jazz/popular music application; introduction of chromatic materials and modulation; mastery of ear training in diatonic vocabulary including four-part dictation and error detection; improvisation techniques vocally and/or on student’s major instrument. Use of high order music dictation and drill software. Computer laboratory assignments and projects required.
Prerequisite: MUSC 102, MUSC 102L; Corequisite: MUSC 201.
Lab. 2 Cr. 1
MUSC 202L - Advanced Ear Training/Sight Singing II (Lab. 2, Cr. 1) Mastery of chromatic materials and modulation with solfeggio system; introduction of tertian and modal materials; advanced four-part dictation and error detection; improvisation techniques vocally and/or on students major instrument. High-order music dictation and drill software. Computer laboratory assignments and projects required.
Prerequisites: MUSC 201 and MUSC 201L.
Lab. 2 Cr. 1
MUSC 215 - Music Appreciation (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) LCCN: CMUS 1013, Music Appreciation
Basic elements and vocabulary of music; appreciation and understanding of diverse styles of music past and present; developing listening skills. Includes opportunities for experiencing music (recorded and/or live).
Notes No duplicate credit for MUSC 215 and MUSC 315. Open to non-music majors.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
General Education Core Curriculum Fine Arts
MUSC 218 - Music in Today’s Societies (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) World music-cultures with emphasis on music’s use in religion, culture, and social organization.
Notes May be taken by music majors as an elective. Open to non-music majors. No duplicate credit for MUSC 218 and MUSC 318.
Prerequisite: ENGL 101.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
General Education Core Curriculum Fine Arts
MUSC 223 - Lead Guitar (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Group instruction in the beginning techniques used by guitarists in commercial music groups.
Notes Open to non-music majors.
Prerequisite: Permission of department head.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 230 - Form and Analysis (Lec. 2, Cr. 2) Written and verbal analysis of musical structures defined within their historical and stylistic contexts.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUSC 230 and MUSC 301.
Prerequisites: MUSC 201 and MUSC 201L.
Lec. 2 Cr. 2
MUSC 237 - Intermediate Violin Class for Non-Music Majors (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Group instruction in intermediate violin techniques and repertoire.
Prerequisite: MUSC 137 or permission of department head.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 250 - Jazz Appreciation (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) LCCN: CMUS 1023, Jazz Appreciation
Basic elements and vocabulary of jazz; appreciation and understanding of diverse styles of jazz, past and present. Includes opportunities for experiencing jazz (recorded and/or live).
Notes No duplicate credit for MUSC 250 and MUSC 350. Open to non-music majors.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 251 - Introduction in Piano Pedagogy I (Lec. 2, Cr. 2) Historical perspectives and survey of beginning methods for all ages of students. Observation of teaching in various settings required.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUSC 251-252 and MUSC 345-346.
Lec. 2 Cr. 2
MUSC 252 - Introduction in Piano Pedagogy II (Lec. 2, Cr. 2) Historical perspectives and survey of beginning methods for all ages of students. Observation of teaching in various settings required.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUSC 251-252 and MUSC 345-346.
Lec. 2 Cr. 2
MUSC 253 - The History of Rock and Roll (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Survey of Rock and Roll from the 1920’s to today, with emphasis on influential artists, stylistic movements, and rock as a reflection of contemporary social-political values.
Notes Open to non-music majors. No duplicate credit for MUSC 253 and MUSC 353.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
General Education Core Curriculum Fine Arts
MUSC 261 - Introduction to Music History and Literature (Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1) Western and non-Western music history and literature through reading, directed listening and writing assignments. Development of aural and reasoning skills and analytic techniques with application to music literature.
Prerequisite: MUSC 102, MUSC 102L.
Lec. 1 Lab. 1 Cr. 1
MUSC 271 - Introduction to Opera (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Historical overview of the art form with an in-depth study of eight major works.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 281 - Percussion Instrument Class (Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1) Group instruction in the pedagogy of percussion instruments with a focus on how to teach proper tone, technique, and approach.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUSC 281 and MUSC 381.
Lec. 1 Lab. 1 Cr. 1
MUSC 291 - Stringed Instrument Class (Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1) Group instruction in the pedagogy of stringed and fretted instruments with a focus on how to teach proper tone, technique, and approach.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUSC 291 and MUSC 391.
Lec. 1 Lab. 1 Cr. 1
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MUSC 308 - Conducting (Lec. 2, Lab. 1, Cr. 2) Basic conducting techniques; baton skills; terminology and transposition; problems of tempo, dynamics and articulation.
Prerequisites: Junior standing and the completion of MUSC 201.
Lec. 2 Lab. 1 Cr. 2
MUSC 311 - Professional Internship (Cr. 1) Practical, on-the-job experience in fields related to music performance. Interns must work a minimum of 40 hours per academic credit hours awarded.
Notes May be repeated to accrue a total of 6 hours. Only 2 credits may be used to fulfill degree requirements.
Prerequisite: Permission of department head.
Cr. 1
MUSC 312 - Tonal Counterpoint (Lec. 2, Lab. 1, Cr. 2) Tonal contrapuntal techniques through analysis and composition. High order notation software for composition practicum and ear training/sight singing of materials. Computer laboratory assignments required.
Prerequisites: MUSC 201, MUSC 201L.
Lec. 2 Lab. 1 Cr. 2
MUSC 319 - Composers of African Descent (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Historical survey of composers of African descent and their works from the classical era to modern times. Emphasis on composers that have made important contributions to the Western European musical tradition.
Prerequisite: ENGL 101.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 322 - The Music of the Beatles (Lab. 3, Cr. 3) Music, lyrics, recordings, production techniques, career strategy, social ramifications, and especially the technological impact of The Beatles.
Notes Open to non-music majors.
Lab. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 323 - Music and Religion (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) An introduction to the origins, functions, and current practices of music in selected world religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity.
Notes Open to non-music majors.
Prerequisite: ENGL 102.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
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MUSC 324 - American Popular Music (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Historical study of the development of popular music, including genres from 1900 through current trends in the pop idiom. Musical excerpts and video clips used to illustrate historical trends.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 327 - Music Technology in the Classroom and Studio (Lec. 1, Lab. 2, Cr. 2) Introduction to basic electronic technology currently in use in the music industry.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUSC 327 and MUSC 314.
Prerequisites: MUSC 201 and MUSC 201L.
Lec. 1 Lab. 2 Cr. 2
MUSC 330 - 20th Century Techniques and Materials (Lec. 2, Lab. 1, Cr. 2) Analysis and composition using the techniques and materials of twentieth-century and contemporary music including extended tertian and post-tonal materials and styles. Continued use of high-order music notation software for writing assignments and composition. Computer laboratory projects required.
Notes No duplicate credit for MUSC 330 and MUSC 202.
Prerequisites: MUSC 201, MUSC 201L and MUSC 230.
Lec. 2 Lab. 1 Cr. 2
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MUSC 333 - Piano Sight-Reading and Accompanying I (Lab. 2, Cr. 1) Development of piano sight-reading and accompanying skills.
Lab. 2 Cr. 1
MUSC 334 - Piano Sight-Reading and Accompanying II (Lab. 2, Cr. 1) Continued development of piano sight-reading and accompanying skills.
Prerequisite: MUSC 333.
Lab. 2 Cr. 1
MUSC 337 - Advanced Piano Sight-Reading and Accompanying I (Lab. 2, Cr. 1) Advanced development of piano sight-reading and accompanying skills.
Prerequisite: MUSC 334.
Lab. 2 Cr. 1
MUSC 338 - Advanced Piano Sight-Reading and Accompanying II (Lab. 2, Cr. 1) Continued development of advanced piano sight-reading and accompanying skills.
Prerequisite: MUSC 337.
Lab. 2 Cr. 1
MUSC 352 - History of Film and Theater Music (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Historical survey of music composed for film and the dramatic stage through exploration of the composers, musical styles, technical aspects of the industry, and functions of music in film and theater. Musical excerpts and video clips used to illustrate historical trends.
Notes Open to non-music majors.
Prerequisite: ENGL 101.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
MUSC 361 - Brasswind Instrument Class (Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1) Group instruction in the pedagogy of brasswind instruments with a focus on how to teach proper tone, technique, and approach.
Lec. 1 Lab. 1 Cr. 1
MUSC 362 - Music History and Literature I: Antiquity through Pre-Classic Period (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Literature, composers, styles, and performance of Western and non-Western music from antiquity through mid-eighteenth century, using lecture, reading, and directed listening.
Notes Duplicate credit will not be given for MUSC 362 and MUSC 243 or 343.
Prerequisites: Junior standing and MUSC 261.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
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MUSC 363 - Music History and Literature II: Classic Period through Present (Lec. 3, Cr. 3) Literature, composers, styles, and performance of Western and non-Western music from mid-eighteenth century through the present, using lecture, reading, and directed listening.
Notes Duplicate credit will not be given for MUSC 363 and MUSC 343 or 344.
Prerequisites: Junior standing and MUSC 261.
Lec. 3 Cr. 3
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MUSC 371 - Woodwind Instrument Class I (Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1) Group instruction in the pedagogy of flute and clarinet with a focus on how to teach proper tone, technique, and approach.
Lec. 1 Lab. 1 Cr. 1
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MUSC 372 - Woodwind Instrument Class II (Lec. 1, Lab.1, Cr. 1) Group instruction in the pedagogy of saxophone, bassoon, and oboe with a focus on proper tone, technique, and approach.
Lec. 1 Lab. 1 Cr. 1
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MUSC 380 - Symphonic Band (Cr. 1-2) Permission of the director following an audition is required.
Notes MUSC 380 is open to non-music majors. Music majors may not use more than 1 credit hour per semester to satisfy their major ensemble requirement.
Cr. 1-2
MUSC 382 - Pep Band (Cr. 1) Permission of the director following an audition is required for registration in all ensembles except MUSC 390 and MUSC 394. Students enrolled in ensembles for graduate credit at the 500-level serve as section leaders, coaches, and/or tutors as assigned by the director of the ensemble. They must also be prepared to serve as rehearsal models and to conduct full or sectional rehearsals as assigned by the ensemble director.
Notes All courses are open to non-music majors. Music majors may not use more than 1 credit hour per semester to satisfy their major ensemble requirement.
Cr. 1
MUSC 384 - Contemporary Worship Ensemble (Lab. 6, Cr. 3) Permission of the director following an audition is required for registration in all ensembles, except MUSC 390 and MUSC 394.
Lab. 6 Cr. 3
MUSC 385 - Woodwind Ensemble (Cr. 1) Permission of the director following an audition is required for registration in all ensembles except MUSC 390 and MUSC 394. Students enrolled in ensembles for graduate credit at the 500-level serve as section leaders, coaches, and/or tutors as assigned by the director of the ensemble. They must also be prepared to serve as rehearsal models and to conduct full or sectional rehearsals as assigned by the ensemble director.
Notes All courses are open to non-music majors. Music majors may not use more than 1 credit hour per semester to satisfy their major ensemble requirement.
Cr. 1
MUSC 388 - Brass Choir (Cr. 1) Permission of the director following an audition is required for registration in all ensembles except MUSC 390 and MUSC 394. Students enrolled in ensembles for graduate credit at the 500-level serve as section leaders, coaches, and/or tutors as assigned by the director of the ensemble. They must also be prepared to serve as rehearsal models and to conduct full or sectional rehearsals as assigned by the ensemble director.
Notes All courses are open to non-music majors. Music majors may not use more than 1 credit hour per semester to satisfy their major ensemble requirement.
Cr. 1
MUSC 389 - Percussion Ensemble (Cr. 1) Permission of the director following an audition is required for registration in all ensembles except MUSC 390 and MUSC 394. Students enrolled in ensembles for graduate credit at the 500-level serve as section leaders, coaches, and/or tutors as assigned by the director of the ensemble. They must also be prepared to serve as rehearsal models and to conduct full or sectional rehearsals as assigned by the ensemble director.
Notes All courses are open to non-music majors. Music majors may not use more than 1 credit hour per semester to satisfy their major ensemble requirement.
Cr. 1
MUSC 390 - Marching Band (Cr. 1-2) Permission of the director following an audition is required.
Notes MUSC 390 is open to non-music majors. Music majors may not use more than 1 credit hour per semester to satisfy their major ensemble requirement.
Cr. 1-2
MUSC 392 - Vocal Pedagogy for the Music Education Major (Lec. 1, Lab. 1, Cr. 1) Basic principles of vocal production and the techniques used in training the young singer. Supervised practicum required.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Lec. 1 Lab. 1 Cr. 1
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